
Jimmy_kong253 t1_ivuddwc wrote

Reply to comment by NotTheOnlyGamer in 7 Eleven to go by mantunesofnewark

That place was a nightmare there were multiple violent acts and then at one point they had a security guard in there selling drugs in 2020 and 2021 was the height of bad . It's never a good sign when the city assigns a cop just to sit outside of your place of business.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iv7hoeg wrote

IDK about downtown but I will say the area around Newark Penn station parking wise Monday through Friday is as busy as pre COVID. Makes me miss 2020/2021 when I could show up half an hour before my start time and get a parking spot. Now I'm back to playing parking wars


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iuymtvd wrote

Of course but it's not as bad as it was in 2020 and 21 they really need light up the park next to 7eleven they have a war memorial that looks like shit from the homeless tossing shit over the fence. The city also need to start forcing these charities to clean up after themselves. There's tons of food containers and piles of clothes in that park almost daily. The lady who's allowed to be live on that corner for years is also a issue.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iuyl2xs wrote

I work in the area that 7eleven on ferry street was a trip before corporate took it over. They had the old security guard selling drugs there and these nice Mexican ladies had a taco cart near it and they made amazing stuff. They got ran out of there from all the garbage hanging around the 7eleven. It took a few acts of violence and complaints from customers before Newark assigned a cop to that corner and 7eleven corporate came in and cleaned up the store