Jimmy_kong253 t1_iutude0 wrote
It's going to be built regardless of who wins in November the developers have both parties in their pockets
Jimmy_kong253 t1_itnaina wrote
The taxpayers shouldn't be funding any religious school in general. Separation of church and state should really be enforced
Jimmy_kong253 t1_it9elkd wrote
Reply to James Corden says it’s ‘beneath’ him to care about NYC restaurant drama: ‘I did nothing wrong’ | news.com.au by esporx
He may think he's doing comedy but it actually feeds into what the restaurant was saying about him. Which is not a good thing
Jimmy_kong253 t1_iquy3rd wrote
Reply to What NYC renters need to know about getting landlords to turn the heat back on by habichuelacondulce
My old landlord use to stand across the street and make notes and take pictures of who had their windows open even the slightest during heat season. Then if those apartments complained about lack of heat he would show them the pictures and say you apparently had too much heat. He got taken to court multiple times
Jimmy_kong253 t1_iuyl2xs wrote
Reply to 7-Eleven is selling 3 Newark Stores (790 Broad St, 131 Market St, 2 Ferry St) by DrixxYBoat
I work in the area that 7eleven on ferry street was a trip before corporate took it over. They had the old security guard selling drugs there and these nice Mexican ladies had a taco cart near it and they made amazing stuff. They got ran out of there from all the garbage hanging around the 7eleven. It took a few acts of violence and complaints from customers before Newark assigned a cop to that corner and 7eleven corporate came in and cleaned up the store