
Jimmy_kong253 OP t1_j2u5c0c wrote

This is an old picture I posted just so people would know who I was talking about. When I was walking to work this morning it was all gone except for a few items that were cleaned up later in the afternoon


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j2tm2k1 wrote

That's what the guy told me He retired and lives in Florida now. I asked him before he left because I was walking around Newark and I do remember when it was unfenced. The amount of cost security is and if the city wasn't helping I can totally see Prudential just throwing their hands up and being like you know what fuck it fence it off. That whole downtown area is like Newark's crown jewel


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j2s9urs wrote

As far as the PSE&g spot goes from my understanding from a guy that used to work security there years back there were mornings where it literally turned into a homeless and drug issue. Management was tired of cleaning up needles and a good number of ODs there as well. He told me it was deemed easier to fence it off then have to pay for the extra security and the liability


Jimmy_kong253 t1_izjq57k wrote

What happens is when it gets real cold they will be allowed in the train station. So if you go after 8: 00pm when it's below freezing there in the entire concourse level of newark Penn station. Usually transit cops will pen them in to a certain area so there is still a walkway for customers


Jimmy_kong253 t1_izijnau wrote

I'm already tired of hearing about her. They will put her on every talk show and media outlet and probably make a movie. Meanwhile all she had to do was go to the department of state travel website look up Russia and click on the laws section and she would have known that you can't have weed in Russia even with a doctors note and all this would have been avoided They also don't mention that she went over there at a time when the American government was telling citizens that it wasn't safe to travel to Russia