
Jimmy_kong253 t1_j9eczts wrote

Except for Florida(even that is a bit overblown) there really is no ban on black history it's being taught in most colleges and plenty of museums, historical sites with plaques. It's not much work like looking into history in general if you really want to find stuff out. Seriously more parents should take their kids to museums in general


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j8qz0s5 wrote

I've racked up multiple speeding tickets over the years (10) and honestly at the end of the day the towns and state just want you pay the fines because they want the money. So if there's a fine to be paid pay it then go take some defensive driving classes to knock down your points and behave yourself for the rest of the year. I also have one reckless driving ticket by that was because I drove on the medium in greenbrook on rt22 for a few minutes to get to my exit the judge just had me pay a fine


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j7wnn50 wrote

They're making an effort now because they probably were told by these luxury apartment developers our tenants don't want to have to walk through a sea of homeless around Newark Penn station. Because for 18 years I've been around in that area and they didn't start doing anything about the homeless until all these luxury buildings were announced


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j7wmrzh wrote

I mean of course there's good and bad in every profession but with police even if the good cops tried to make a change in regards to a bad cop historically their fellow rank and file isolates and pushes them out for doing so.. the issue with police in general


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j7utwa4 wrote

Yeah it takes a lot of patience and arm twisting to get a police report on much of anything nowadays. Had my sister's scooters stolen and it was insured the company wanted a police report and you would have thought I was asking the police to give me their first borns


Jimmy_kong253 t1_j7mua3x wrote

I maybe in the minority opinion on this but I don't understand why you need a student club such as the black student union based on race in a public school in general meeting in a public school building. You can have it just have the meeting somewhere else because it causes division. If it's not a club based on a school class or a netural thing like sports or technology it shouldn't be held on school grounds