Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc6jeq3 wrote
Ahh more waste of money by the MTA now they will have to order cars that fit which means more fare and toll increases for everyone else
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc676uh wrote
Reply to Despite the lies from activists (The "Ghetto Lobby")..little to no gentrification in Newark. Measuring and Explaining Stalled Gentrification in Newark, NJ: The Role of Racial Politics | Urban Affairs Forum by Newarkguy1836
Gentrification will happen it just made a pitstop in Harrison first but once all these luxury buildings are finished around Newark Penn its going to pick up.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc5vtps wrote
Really? Sounded more like a bunch of riders fed up with subway fans forming over the new R211s
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc3wc66 wrote
Reply to Videos show crowd cheering while cuffed ex-lacrosse player topples NYC cops, runs by someone_whoisthat
He walked up to a cop car and asked to use their cellphone. Nobody is going to fall for that cop or civilian should have pointed him to one those free kiosks that are replacing the payphones
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jbr76aa wrote
How long before a crazy person takes a dump on the floor? My money is on this weekend
Jimmy_kong253 OP t1_jboaf1v wrote
Reply to comment by FireDawg10677 in Old ad for the ironbound that was in the gateway in 2011 by Jimmy_kong253
See I know a person that live in the ironbound for years who pretty much say the current administration running the city doesn't appreciate the ironbound district except only when it's time for votes. But the same person also tells me in the 30 years they've lived in this area the iron bound takes care of itself
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jbo371l wrote
The man seems to be the greatest criminal master mind of our generation judging by all these accusations
Jimmy_kong253 OP t1_jblwvjg wrote
Reply to comment by pimorules in Old ad for the ironbound that was in the gateway in 2011 by Jimmy_kong253
I was going thru old pictures I had a d this popped up
Submitted by Jimmy_kong253 t3_11n6cun in Newark
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jbin0fs wrote
Reply to Upper West Side votes against proposed rest stop for delivery workers at 72nd Street by mowotlarx
It could make sense if there was the proper fire suppression devices installed in case one of these batteries blew up at these sites
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jbeya00 wrote
Reply to comment by wozzles in Reminder that the Newark Subreddit Meetup is this Saturday! by eastaleph
Yes it's very good love to be a selection and the names they have for it
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jbexvbs wrote
Reply to With an absentee corporate landlord, Upper Manhattan tenants unite to demand repairs by natekrinsky
To me if the tenants can make a case that the building owner is absentee and it can pass muster with a court. The building should then become a co-op with a board and everything that takes ownership.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jbbtnuw wrote
Reply to comment by mjdlight in Murphy liquor license plan will destroy neighborhood favorites (Opinion) by Newarkguy1836
Bill spaeda whole bit is he disagrees with everything the Left likes if the left switched and started wanting what the right wanted. I would bet money he would switch his opinion
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jbbrrd1 wrote
The liquor authority is in bed with restaurants in this state. We have tons of great breweries in this state and the liquor authority does everything possible to make this state unappealing for them
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jb4ajt8 wrote
The Harriet tubmans?
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jb0b75t wrote
McCarther highway is a mess
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jar3ve2 wrote
Reply to City of Newark Accidentally Signed Agreement With Fugitive Godman Nithyananda's 'Kailasa' by madsheb
I heard about this a few weeks ago it's still makes me laugh. Some advisors probably saw the name and thought it would sound great in a press release
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jar0xd8 wrote
Reply to comment by dust1990 in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
Well apparently from the downvotes I'm getting most people on this subreddit think the world's going to be a bicycle one.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jaqi473 wrote
As someone who is in Newark on a daily basis I would rather we be a governor less state than see Ras Baraka as governor. The man is only mayor because he kisses up to the poorer mostly black wards and he doesn't do much for the city as a whole he's been riding the investments and connections made by Cory Booker . The ironbound section takes care of themselves and the few times he's been there for events he's been booed.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jaqh40t wrote
Every time I have walked in that park nobody on a bike or running obeys the traffic light so you can cross and the douches who think it's the tour de France are the worst
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jaqgoh4 wrote
Reply to comment by ObjectivePitiful1170 in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
If they make it wider I would hope they have half a brain and example the weight bearing aspect as well
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jaqglgg wrote
If you have a opportunity to make it wider then go for. Because eventually if the Democrats and environmentist plans come to reality we all are going to be all electric in the future. So you can have your earth saving benefits well also being realistic about the fact that traffic is going to always happen hence why the BQE should be wider.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jamgvm5 wrote
Reply to comment by Polo1985 in $4.6M In Air Conditioning Upgrades Coming For Newark Penn Station by waynesmith22
I mean so far since I'm here everyday I've seen them power wash the front building and clean tiles and they're real hell bent on these benches to the point of obsession. You have peeling paint once you get up on the platform you have giant cracks and raised areas on them. As far as the air conditioning goes the only benefit to me is you wont have a smelly homeless person standing in front of the mobile air conditioners that is horrific
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jam9wx2 wrote
Give me a break so far this renovation looks like a joke. Right now they are replacing the brown doors on the platform with silver doors.
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc6s0l3 wrote
Reply to comment by 1AngryBrotha in Teen brutally attacked in NYC subway station; hate crime probed: NYPD by OpinionPoop
I watched the one that was on the public freak out subredded and he kept saying on r211 which is what that train was