
Jimmy_kong253 t1_jdcl9jr wrote

I understand both sides of the argument radio station operators and FCC. But it can't operate an unlicensed radio station flip side what if it was somebody promoting anti-Semitism or hate instead of community events and news that's positive and helpful. You can't shut one illegal radio station down and then let another one run they all have to be shut down


Jimmy_kong253 t1_jcxceso wrote

I've worked in downtown Newark for the last 20yrs it doesn't deserve the bad reputation it has. But outside of events in the Prudential center or njpac and walking in branchburg park it's really a boring city for stuff to do. Once you do one portuguese restaurant over there you done em all. There's not much of a interesting street life over there either just homeless


Jimmy_kong253 t1_jcaa5sd wrote

I don't want them to go elsewhere I want tax abatements for private companies to be banned outright. If you know your development is going to charge $2k or more for units honestly you don't need a tax break and if you're whole business profit plan depends on those tax breaks in the first place then you shouldn't be in business. I'm against the shifting of taxes on the ones who can't afford it


Jimmy_kong253 t1_jca74is wrote

Well as far as you saying about Russian owning it. A times article a couple years ago pretty much showed evidence that the majority of Manhattan luxury rentals were owned by shell companies with links to out of the country people or businesses. As far as taxes building owners aren't paying their fair share and just like with the rest of the wealthy that tax burden gets moved on to the average nobody barely getting by. Now as far as you saying people should earn more money well thanks to the pandemic people have been getting paid more and employment has been low. What does that do? the feds scream and cry people are making too much money and unemployment isn't high enough which is why they're raising interest rates now to create that unemployment level that is acceptable to the economy and supposedly will bring down inflation


Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc9mwxl wrote

You get the Transit access you ask for then suddenly developers take interest in the area and get their paid off politicians to help with tax breaks then suddenly the poor residents get priced out because now it's all "luxury" housing so they would never truly get to enjoy the station at the end of the day


Jimmy_kong253 t1_jc9mm2b wrote

That PATH extension has been promised since the 70s it's never going to happen in our life time. This njt station is more proof of that. Besides anyone here who's been on a NJT or Amtrak that stopped at the airport knows how crowded it can get with the luggage now imagine that shit on the smaller PATH train during rush hour it's going to be terrible