Jimmytowne t1_ixdr9zr wrote
Depending on how north you live, I’ll assemble it for $100 as long as it’s already in the room you want it assembled
Jimmytowne t1_ix8gom6 wrote
Reply to How is Newark Airport these days? by gonerlover
If you’re flying out of terminal A, get there early and enjoy the new terminal. It’s huge!
Jimmytowne t1_iwt0bb5 wrote
Reply to comment by Flashinglights0101 in Now that Trump is a dumpster fire, will Van Drew switch parties again back to D? by Flashinglights0101
It’s going to be like those booths with money flying around. They’re all going to grift millions and then spend a weekend in jail for it
Jimmytowne t1_iwt06ke wrote
Reply to comment by Flashinglights0101 in Now that Trump is a dumpster fire, will Van Drew switch parties again back to D? by Flashinglights0101
Yeah you never want to be the first hired by trump
Jimmytowne t1_ivgwm5y wrote
Reply to Best value place to live in NJ? by lionheart12x
Amboys are good value. Carteret just outside of the development area is a good value
Jimmytowne t1_ivgwf3h wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Best value place to live in NJ? by lionheart12x
Iron bound has a lot of hidden wealth. A lot of the kids there went to private schools. The good restaurants and cafes make bank and it was always relatively safe to walk around there as a teenager
Jimmytowne t1_ivdelh6 wrote
Reply to Mens multipurpose slippers by dewder23
I didn’t understand why you’d wear your slippers indoors after tending to chickens outside but to each it’s own.
You need two pairs of slippers. One for outside and one for inside. Or just slippers inside and shoes for outside.
With that said, Sorel makes a decent indoor/outdoor slipper
Jimmytowne t1_iug3orp wrote
Reply to ASPCA had my friend's "reported lost" microchipped cat. They rehomed it to another family and tried to get the microchip changed. Now another family own's the cat. by [deleted]
People change numbers all the time.
But then they notify important contacts to update their info. I’m sorry you are going through this but this is the second mistake involving the care of your cat. It’s not the SPCA’s fault and DEFINITELY not ASPCA’s fault
I’d say update your post but history tends to repeat itself
Jimmytowne t1_iubp544 wrote
Reply to Nutley area, super loud music being played in the middle of the night multiple times this week. by KATIE_H0LMES
Maybe it’s the mud hole?
Jimmytowne t1_iu74v3l wrote
Ouch, Highland Park lost a good one
Jimmytowne t1_ir27qx3 wrote
Bringing sand to the beach
Jimmytowne t1_iqtyr6i wrote
Sorel and LL Bean will work for your needs. LL bean will last a little longer but Sorel are more comfortable
Jimmytowne t1_iqtxv10 wrote
I’ve had HH for over a decade with no signs of wear.
Jimmytowne t1_iqrb342 wrote
Reply to comment by sweatery_weathery in A friend is coming in from NYC and our plans to go to an outdoor museum in NJ are canceled due to rain. What are other options to entertain a friend in NJ in this weather? by TheQs55
No views of the city today, pretty foggy by the water
Jimmytowne t1_ixmde2u wrote
Reply to Job hunters around the Jersey City area beware! "Roundabout Marketing" and "Filo Associates" pyramid scheme companies are running wild. by Vivid_Ground1930
I worked for a MLM door to door selling Chinese products. Innovage and DSMax were the parent company. My office was called Manhattan trading led by “Magic” Mike Madrigal. I was pretty good, had 7 people below me and I was making good money. I knew it was a scam for most of the distributors. I even told them there’s a slim chance of succeeding.
But the energy, the experience of face to face sales and rejection helped my career moving forward. It was a great experience but it also ruined many lives.
Looking back at it, I think it provided a lot of personal growth ; I turned a traumatic work environment into a positive life lesson