JohnCavil01 t1_jefwk4x wrote
Reply to comment by TheFormalShow in What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
Really missing the point a tad aren’t we?
JohnCavil01 t1_jefwg49 wrote
Reply to comment by AvatarJack in What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
I mean they do keep those animals locked up in little computerized balls only freeing them periodically to beat the shit out of each other for sport as a core part of their culture.
JohnCavil01 t1_jefw83d wrote
Reply to comment by ringoron9 in What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
Well…not really anymore.
If nothing else I sometimes like to turn lights on.
JohnCavil01 t1_jeeju6i wrote
Reply to comment by ZsaFreigh in How are you liking Season 3 of The Mandalorian so far? by esran7
George Lucas himself said “it’s like poetry, it rhymes” - criticizing The Phantom Menace for being a rehash of many of the same plot elements as A New Hope is not off-base. After all people complained about that endlessly when it happened again in The Force Awakens.
I know it’s fashionable to argue that the Star Wars prequels are somehow good actually but that doesn’t change the fact that it retreads a lot of repeated ground. Evidently George Lucas wants us to believe that was artistic and intentional but if even he can admit it I don’t really think this oversimplification critique holds much water.
And that’s to say nothing of the fact that I wasn’t the one who said it but instead was responding to the shitty reply which simply called it an “oversimplified garbage take” as if that goes without saying.
JohnCavil01 t1_jedemkm wrote
Reply to comment by menwithrobots in Cynthia Rothrock was the best Martial Arts female movie star and yet she almost never gets any credit by Lili_Danube
Rich Evans is DEFEATABLE.
JohnCavil01 t1_jebsuir wrote
Reply to comment by NotmejusaBEe in How are you liking Season 3 of The Mandalorian so far? by esran7
Is it?
I think the onus is on you here to explain how that take is garbage and over-simplified.
JohnCavil01 t1_j6dlmtj wrote
Laura Roslin and Bill Adama in BSG reboot and/or Alan Shore and Denny Crane in Boston Legal.
If you have a different answer it’s only possible because you’ve never seen BSG/Boston Legal or you are a child.
JohnCavil01 t1_j6dlext wrote
Reply to comment by Nirocalden in What are your favorite love stories in TV shows? by MarkBrandanoquitz
Not exactly steep competition considering the typical criteria is “hero meets other hot celebrity of opposite gender”.
JohnCavil01 t1_j29c6rd wrote
Reply to comment by Paqaboll721 in Why is the sound mixing in modern TV shows so bad? by poet3322
And I guess you’re acting like no one knows how to do anything. Any chance that that’s just your anecdotal experience and you’re not actually taking into account the entirety of everything? Do have data to support this perspective that everything is declining in quality and capability or do you just resent these damn kids?
JohnCavil01 t1_j29aif0 wrote
Reply to comment by Paqaboll721 in Why is the sound mixing in modern TV shows so bad? by poet3322
You know that once upon a time nobody knew how to run a power grid because they hadn’t been invented yet. And then they had to hire people and train them and then they knew how to do that. This has not changed.
JohnCavil01 t1_j1wwa90 wrote
Reply to Characters that hold shows back by mranimal2
I think the problem that your running into is that despite the internet insisting to the contrary - Wednesday is fundamentally a fairly typical teen drama.
Of course, I also seem to be one of the only people who finds Wednesday as written and portrayed in the show to be completely insufferable so what do I know…
JohnCavil01 t1_iyex3q1 wrote
Reply to comment by EcstatMec in Beware of 'Shark Week': Scientists watched 202 episodes and found them filled with junk science, misinformation and white male 'experts' named Mike by Kunphen
The article isn’t attacking a particular race like your comment and defensive irritation are implying.
JohnCavil01 t1_iyetutm wrote
Reply to comment by Redsox19681968 in Beware of 'Shark Week': Scientists watched 202 episodes and found them filled with junk science, misinformation and white male 'experts' named Mike by Kunphen
You can’t hug your children with nuclear arms!
JohnCavil01 t1_iyetpo7 wrote
Reply to comment by EcstatMec in Beware of 'Shark Week': Scientists watched 202 episodes and found them filled with junk science, misinformation and white male 'experts' named Mike by Kunphen
Or you could instead try reading the article.
I agree the headline is exploiting clickbait tactics - but it makes some valid points if you could be bothered to take a few minutes to read it before getting up on your internet soapbox.
JohnCavil01 t1_iyetkrg wrote
Reply to comment by RedditRuleViolator in Beware of 'Shark Week': Scientists watched 202 episodes and found them filled with junk science, misinformation and white male 'experts' named Mike by Kunphen
You could try reading the article to dispel some of that mystery.
JohnCavil01 t1_iyeteun wrote
Reply to comment by KumagawaUshio in Beware of 'Shark Week': Scientists watched 202 episodes and found them filled with junk science, misinformation and white male 'experts' named Mike by Kunphen
You could at least pretend you read the article though.
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjzrct wrote
Reply to comment by ShallowUnicorn in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
Well then - so be it. I’m shocked but you do you.
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjzpl3 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Stank__ in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
Yeah but just because something’s a parody doesn’t mean the performances have to be terrible.
I hear this argument a lot and it just feels like covering for the fact that Lana Wachowski made a bad movie. In terms of satire and parody it’s about as subtle as sledgehammer and worst of all it’s just plain boring. If she didn’t have an idea but knew the movie was going to get made anyway rather than making a half-asses movie that people were going to pay $15-20 a pop to see she could have just let somebody else do it on the off chance they actually had a good idea for a sequel.
Which isn’t so much to ask since the Wachowskis demonstrated twice that they didn’t really have an idea for sequels before.
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjw58q wrote
Reply to comment by graceyfloo in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
I will hear no slander against Halloween 3: Season of the Witch!
The Halloween franchise should have been the anthology it was intended to be all along and Halloween 3 demonstrates exactly why. It’s totally different, it’s spooky, there are some genuinely horrifying things in it, and it’s a self-contained story.
Imagine if instead of having 16 Michael Meyers movies and 1 movie that does literally anything else we could have had a series of half a dozen or so, maybe more, Halloween movies that you could select from during the season.
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjvsvt wrote
Reply to comment by ShallowUnicorn in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
….yeah…..when’s the last time you watched the original Mortal Kombat?
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjvq38 wrote
Reply to comment by Buhos_En_Pantelones in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
I mean - such as?
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjvkxk wrote
Reply to comment by Reelplayer in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
Actually, I think that while The Godfather II is obviously a very well made movie it feels really redundant and just treads the same themes and essentially the same character arc as the first one.
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjv8vd wrote
Reply to comment by mikeyfreshh in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
Yes both Blair Witch sequels are not fantastic BUT I will at least give the 2000 one credit for having a really really interesting and ambitious premise for what would usually have just been a cynical cash-grab.
It’s a shame the execution left so much to be desired. But the idea of a fictional movie about events in the real world happening in the wake of the Blair Witch Project movie phenomenon is a really ambitious idea.
I’ll also give the director some credit - the editing was heavy altered by the studio and if the editing/sequence of events had been presented as originally intended it would definitely be a better movie….hiring better actors and having less ridiculous comedy might have also helped haha.
JohnCavil01 t1_ixjuz2c wrote
Reply to comment by flights_not_feelings in Which movies do you believe didn't deserve the sequel they got or the franchise that it became? by Imposingtitle
This kind of implies that Jurassic World itself wasn’t a terrible sequel…which it most certainly was.
JohnCavil01 t1_jegg3pz wrote
Reply to comment by Sawses in What show universe would you want to live in? by Dolo114
I’ve played the video games of that world. They’re not so great.
EDIT: oh wait wrong thread haha. Ignore that.
But yeah - I mean the whole conceit of the show is that they are sentient and to a certain extent even if they weren’t it still is very nasty reflection of human nature on display.