Jon_hamm_wallet OP t1_j06knij wrote
Reply to comment by Danger-Moose in Beautiful sunrise Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
This is not phenomenal.
Submitted by Jon_hamm_wallet t3_zlpatf in rva
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_j029i7d wrote
Reply to comment by manyamile in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
Uuuunnnggg that's exactly what I need.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_j029a07 wrote
Reply to comment by manyamile in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
What an awesome offer, thanks! I may or may not be able to pick it up (depends if my dad brings his truck down this weekend), I'll PM you when I know more.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_j01irz4 wrote
Reply to Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
Snow shovels. And quarter round trim so I can finally install some after pulling up all the carpet in our second and third floors MONTHS ago.
I'm getting my cousin a sampling of local coffee, where should I go to pick up a few bags at once? I was thinking Ellwood's?
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_izeffmx wrote
Reply to Thursdaily by TheCheeseDevil
I need to get some goddamn photos printed ASAP and the options in this city are severely lacking. Target has apparently done away with their photo printing machines and Walgreens couldn't connect to my phone. What are my options?!
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iz1qhni wrote
We made an appt at Short Pump yesterday. Got there about 15 minutes early and were first in line, in and out in under 10 mins. I don't know how it compares piecewise but we paid $52 for 7 prints and digital copies. Seemed pricey but I guess that's the nature of these things.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_ixsjuh2 wrote
Reply to Black Frinightly by BurkeyTurger
Chill day today purging the house in preparation for the Christmas influx of stuff. Now I'm at work and it's chill-ish so far knocks on wood
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iwyx31m wrote
Reply to Saturdaily by CoffeeFiendd
The Jasper? I know they're starting Miracle on Cary so it'll probably be a shitshow, but it's fun once you make it in!
Just hoping to have a good day, I'm having an early birthday celebration with my parents and then working tonight. Hopefully I'll get a nap in this afternoon.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iuhg86f wrote
Reply to Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam
I don't leave until 8, when traffic is generally fairly heavy.
I'm working on getting sober and am trying out AA. I'm fairly familiar with the culture and basic tenets but I'm looking for secular-leaning meetings. Anyone got a good one they love? Went to one yesterday with barely a mention of God/higher power but I feel like I'll want to go to more than just one a week.
ETA: Feel free to PM me, Anonymous being a key point and all.
ETA again: thank you for all the suggestions!
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iu3xs0q wrote
Reply to Fridaily by donteatmydog
Family Dinner Night at Southbound tonight, will be my son's first time in his costume. Hope it fits! No major plans other than that, I'm looking forward to laying on the couch paying attention to my fantasy football all day Sunday.
Got my lower neck tattooed last night and it was pretty horrendous, but I survived! Gotta go back for color next month.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_ituetvb wrote
Reply to Hope everyone is having a better Wednesdaily than the former police chief. What Halloween plans do you have? by big-heck-nah
Hoping to take my son to a trunk or treat on Saturday, if we find a good one. I don't really understand the concept beyond it's a chance to show off his costume. He can't eat candy so that part isn't really a draw. I picked up a restaurant shift Saturday night at a place I haven't worked in like 8 years, so we'll see how that goes.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_itsp439 wrote
I was inpatient at VCU for a few days and it was spartan but effective. I got to see a psychiatrist within a few hours who adjusted my meds and it kept me safe when I needed it.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_itgoa4l wrote
Reply to comment by Sage_Advice420 in Did everyone sleep in too late because of all the car/motorcycle/gunshot noise around the entire city last night Sundaily? by fitztiff
We're doing at art raffle at The Veil Scotts Addition to raise money for Safe Bars RVA. Safe Bars is a local program that trains bar and restaurant staff to recognize and respond to sexual aggression, harassment, and assault in places wher alcohol is served. We're raising money to be able to offer trainings for free (and still pay our trainers). I'd love to answer any questions you might have about it, or you can check out who we've trained on our IG, @safebarsrva.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_itgfakh wrote
Reply to Did everyone sleep in too late because of all the car/motorcycle/gunshot noise around the entire city last night Sundaily? by fitztiff
It's been a long weekend, I've got a fundraising event today that I'm super nervous for. You just never know if people are gonna show up, if they're gonna spend money, if it'll be worth the effort.
I've got 2 7pm tickets to Terror on the Farm tonight that I'm trying to get rid of. Paid $30 apiece, would sell for $40 for both. PM if interested.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_itevsty wrote
Get yourself over to VCU or Tucker ASAP!!! Inpatient isn't fun but it'll get you the help you need in a timely manner.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_isxe25l wrote
Reply to comment by againer in It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
You wouldnt understand
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_isxdwp3 wrote
Reply to comment by scuttlefish96 in It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
I do outreach for a non-profit so if I want any of my cool dream programs funded, I gotta write grants. It's a slog and tbh I haven't actually won any of the ones I've written, but I'm relatively new to the field (just celebrated my 1-year anniversary!) So I don't feel too bad about it.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_isxc81c wrote
Reply to It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
Got to work on writing a grant all day but tonight I'm going to a BOAT PARTY! I am very excited.
Also, I'm buying my 2-year old a teeny trampoline. I'm getting it used so if he doesnt like it, i'm only out $15. But I reaaaaally hope he likes it, he loves jumping on the bed.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_issetpk wrote
Reply to I would like to hire a bartender for a party for around 30 guests. Any recommendations? The event is for 5 hours. by track100_100
Look up Salt and Acid, Beth is a skilled and experienced bartender. Highly recommend.
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iseot1h wrote
Reply to comment by disputing_stomach in The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
Booooo!!!! We Are!!!
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_isemkme wrote
Reply to The Saturday Daily Thread by fusion260
Headed the Hanover Vegetable Farm to take my son to pet some goats. Then home for the second half of the Penn State/Michigan game and a shift at the restaurant tonight. Now that I'm an office softie, these shifts really drain me, but it is nice to have a couple hundred bucks extra in my bank account!
Jon_hamm_wallet t1_j06ximm wrote
Reply to comment by manyamile in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
So unfortunately I won't be able to take them, I just don't have a good way to transport. Thank you so much for the offer though!