Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_j05st1p wrote
If you’ve lived in DC your whole life you’re eligible for long-term residence parking. See the DMV requirements and form here. If your car is too large it might be more difficult, but i was able to fit a Jeep into the permit so it will probably work for you too.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_iu77st1 wrote
Reply to On fare evasion, what do you think the percentage of riders don't pay the fare? by therealsazerac
Bout tree fiddy
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_itjz5xj wrote
Reply to comment by floatifloati in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
Not trolling.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_it5pqgi wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
Words have meaning, not all meanings are universally agreed upon. You’re ignoring everything I’ve said so far. Are you by any chance borrowing from this progressive definition?
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_it5fn23 wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
It’s incredible how obtuse you’re being with the etymology of this word.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_it4gb7m wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
I’m not. I’m serious about what I am saying. I’m more curious than anything as to what you think because we have such widely different conceptions of policy. I’m truly trying to understand where is the hole in my reasoning.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_it4g4iy wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
Linguistic use of a word that implies direction. Progressive is inherently teleological.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_it4fpy6 wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
Email your professors right now and ask them whether there is a telos history.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_it4deii wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
You’re the one asserting full control over a word. My take on whether policy has a teleological edge to it does not conflict with any existing definition. This is an active area of debate in academia, and while there is no conclusive answer to this preposition, I am of the camp that does not buy that history (or policy for that matter) is directional. Your insults are delicious btw. Keep going.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_iszd8jv wrote
Reply to comment by daveed4445 in Car stolen, crashed with baby in back seat in Northeast DC; 14-year-old suspect arrested by drr71-2
Lock them up!
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isyi7j3 wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
I’m not saying anything about the status quo. In fact, the status quo needs to change because I am tired of being tormented by mentally ill individuals. What I did say was that no policy can be “progressive” because progress implies direction. No such thing exists. Therefore the best policy ought to be the one most utilitarian in its application, regardless of any normative impulses to alter it in such a way that sets in motion what you and a few others in this thread have been talking about.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isvzo20 wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
There is no such thing as progress. There is no end goal to society. There are just people and families. The general welfare should always benefit the greatest amount of people possible. I want to live in a world with walkable cities and safe streets. This isn’t progress, is just what I want to see in my life. You’re welcome to continue on your moral crusade, though I encourage you to think about working families and individuals who do not put themselves front and center and demand special treatment.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isgbzik wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
This might be a good moment to reflect on that.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isg8cz8 wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
Very puritan of you. But again, this is just your opinion. You’re entitled to it as I am to mine.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isfyams wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
It’s more depressing to be locked out of public spaces because people like you are stuck in a cognitive dissonance cycle. When you can’t address the problem you resort to virtue signaling.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isd7txd wrote
Reply to comment by EternalMoonChild in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
I’m not screaming at the top of my longs while pissing and punching random strangers.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isclyce wrote
Reply to comment by Master-Musician5006 in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
I’m just saying what most people are thinking. And I know you know that.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isc7c6d wrote
Reply to comment by heatfins in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
It’s not the truth. Just your opinion. Calm down lol
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isbiega wrote
Reply to comment by djslarge in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
I don’t believe this
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_isbekmf wrote
Reply to comment by kirkl3s in McPherson Square is a disgrace by [deleted]
Tents for sure. Move these folks to an institution and keep them there until they stop engaging in antisocial behavior. This is how it’s done in Korea and I just had the best time there. Walking at night? No problem. Take metro without being harassed? No problem. A general feeling that the public space is available for everyone and not abused by the antisocial few that ruin it for everyone else but are defended by a powerful lobby of upper-middle class professionals that live far away in gated communities? Absolutely.
Jsiajwbanakaksbsbsvc t1_j083n8h wrote
Reply to comment by WayyyCleverer in Not able to register my car in my residential zone for parking, help! by src0104
I had to share my little-known trick. Only known to true Dc. Natives ;)