It’s not being shunned, it’s a overhyped garbage product no one in their right mind would buy. The technology is 100 years away from being close to conventional construction methods such as advanced framing, continuous insulation etc. A CNC concrete pump truck can’t install mechanical, electrical, window systems etc. it’s an expensive robot that pours reinforced concrete. Which is a tiny fraction of home building. Construction materials are mass produced in massive production systems to accommodate construction practices and you’re going to Death Star sized team of engineers to develop a robot that can compete with tradespeople while being building code compliant, structurally sound, and architecturally palatable. Unless you have an army of robots with human level skill and intelligence it’s a non starter. Total scam. Venture capital infused Silicon Valley startup vibes. There are flying cars on the market that make more sense than this.
JudgeJudyExecutionor t1_iuzizdy wrote
Reply to Apis Cor may be America's most advanced 3D printing construction company, yet it is shunned by traditional capital markets; 8 years after being founded, it still relies on crowdfunding websites. by lughnasadh
It’s not being shunned, it’s a overhyped garbage product no one in their right mind would buy. The technology is 100 years away from being close to conventional construction methods such as advanced framing, continuous insulation etc. A CNC concrete pump truck can’t install mechanical, electrical, window systems etc. it’s an expensive robot that pours reinforced concrete. Which is a tiny fraction of home building. Construction materials are mass produced in massive production systems to accommodate construction practices and you’re going to Death Star sized team of engineers to develop a robot that can compete with tradespeople while being building code compliant, structurally sound, and architecturally palatable. Unless you have an army of robots with human level skill and intelligence it’s a non starter. Total scam. Venture capital infused Silicon Valley startup vibes. There are flying cars on the market that make more sense than this.