JuliaX1984 t1_j5n1zp1 wrote
Reply to Somebody tell me this is fake, please! by lutzcody
JuliaX1984 t1_j5mzksw wrote
Reply to What are your favorite “where the hell am I going” places in the city when it comes to poor road signing by dementedturnip26
Does this count?
This 5 way intersection in Bellevue on the way to Avalon. I had to ride through it whenever I would try to get to my grandfather's by bike, and no matter what I did, no matter how closely I studied Google Map, no matter how many times I recounted my way around thr circle, no matter HOW MANY TIMES I rode that way, I could NEVER pick the right road on the first try! Never!
JuliaX1984 t1_j3tgbcn wrote
A good rule of thumb: genuine official business is always conducted in writing. Phone calls and visits don't create a paper trail. They can't be saved in a file. So people who are owed and are trying to collect money for a legitimate reason or trying to sell a legitimate product or make contact about a legitimate legal matter send letters.
Obviously, parties like your doctor or plumber or personal lawyer or employer will call you because they're calling about matters that can be handled quickly and don't implicate legal rights or obligations. But if someone you've never spoken with before calls you or knocks on your door, unless they're in uniform with ID, tell them nothing except to send you a letter.
JuliaX1984 t1_j2n17k7 wrote
Reply to comment by tehtinman in As of today, HB 1929 is in effect! so that means autoknives are finally legal. by Delicious-Newt-5674
Marriage WOULD technically be mandatory under the current law preventing more than 3 unrelated people from living together if parents had more than 1 kid from previous relationships. Pittsburgh's zoning ordinance's definition of "family" should be changed so unmarried, unrelated people CAN live together.
JuliaX1984 t1_j2mscij wrote
Reply to As of today, HB 1929 is in effect! so that means autoknives are finally legal. by Delicious-Newt-5674
Wake me up when 2 unmarried people with 1 kid each from a previous relationship living together, owning 6 cats, and carrying groceries home in plastic bags are legal, too.
JuliaX1984 OP t1_ix12oe9 wrote
Reply to comment by KentuckYSnow in Are these ice rinks open? by JuliaX1984
Awesome! Thanks!
JuliaX1984 OP t1_iwxitxx wrote
Reply to comment by tmcg712 in Are these ice rinks open? by JuliaX1984
Thank you!
JuliaX1984 OP t1_iwx9x1m wrote
Reply to comment by rvpgh in Are these ice rinks open? by JuliaX1984
Thank you!
Submitted by JuliaX1984 t3_yyztlg in pittsburgh
JuliaX1984 OP t1_iujupyw wrote
Reply to comment by FractalCurve in ELI5: In witchcraft, how do spells allegedly do what they do? by JuliaX1984
So do they have any reasoning for how they think they produce results?
JuliaX1984 OP t1_iujuka1 wrote
Reply to comment by CaucusInferredBulk in ELI5: In witchcraft, how do spells allegedly do what they do? by JuliaX1984
Well, for example, by what mechanism do amethysts prevent drunkenness or hangovers?
What's the basis for the theory that crystals store energy?
By what mechanism does sympathetic magic cause something to happen to object B? How does the effect or energy get from A to B?
If this is real, why don't witches cast revenge spells on evil dictators or run a pro bono service to curse abusive partners or make people in poverty win the lottery?
If this is real, aren't revenge spells and love spells as bad as assault/battery and rape? No matter how attracted a person is to someone, it doesn't give a partner the right to override their right to make their own choices by influencing their mind.
I'm trying to reconcile people talking as if it's real with the way it's handled. Even if there's no scientific explanation, there must be a purported explanation of how it does what it does.
JuliaX1984 OP t1_iujmt7m wrote
Reply to comment by soundman32 in ELI5: In witchcraft, how do spells allegedly do what they do? by JuliaX1984
But what's their explanation for how it works? Why would anyone do it if they can't explain how they think it works?
JuliaX1984 OP t1_iujmezk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: In witchcraft, how do spells allegedly do what they do? by JuliaX1984
I would like to know what, if any, explanation they give for how it works. Yes, I'm curious what mechanism is given for how magic spells produce effects. Do they really give none? Nobody asks them for one?
Submitted by JuliaX1984 t3_yioas9 in explainlikeimfive
JuliaX1984 t1_j5n2n62 wrote
Reply to comment by Turious in Somebody tell me this is fake, please! by lutzcody
What makes it blue? Just the lighting like the gold or blue dress?