Jupiter20 t1_iy4uo5b wrote
Reply to comment by mobfather in Your eyeballs will probably never touch another person’s eyeballs. (I hope). by JuiceAggressive3437
As if there are not enough lies in the world. No need to cultivate that.
Jupiter20 t1_ixl6ckq wrote
Reply to comment by TizonaBlu in World Cup 2022: Japan's fans clean up stadium after win over Germany by the-odourless-fungi
Acceptance is the first step to change.
Jupiter20 t1_ix7zkug wrote
Truth is extremely overrated. Nobody can explain or define it, people use it mostly as a projection surface for their interests or ideologies. When you see "The truth about ..." then it's most likely bullshit. If you have to use it, then use it as a property of statements. For example: "This statement is not true because...". But "the truth"? That's some meta-level bs. And even with statements it often is not applicable. Statements are often too vague, they have circular logic, paradoxes and so on. Then truth as a concept just completely fails. It's just not very useful*.
*edit: except in mathematics, logic and so on of course
Jupiter20 t1_iuf59oz wrote
Reply to comment by FoxMacLeod01 in Comparison of Nuclear Explosions by MiamiDevSecOps
For small bombs, the height of the mushroom cloud scales with the cube root of the explosion energy. It changes for larger bombs, because of stratospheric layers or something, those scale steeper, but still not linearly.
Jupiter20 t1_j6lv9h4 wrote
Reply to I think the future of movies/tv is AI generation. Explanation in comments by dangler001
The word for poet in German is "Dichter" which comes from "dicht" meaning dense. A Dichter is somebody who makes something denser. I think AI might be bad at that kind of thing. Like spitting out two sentences that you can contemplate on for hours, and that transports all kinds of aspects of humaneness. This kind of thing is also what comedians do. There is often a lot to unpack in jokes, something that makes you think twice and that second or third level is what makes it funny. And even if AI will be able to do that, we still have to be able to understand it.
But of course, comedians tell their jokes to friends, and they would filter out the bad ones. You could train an AI on the reaction of a live audience, maybe it's going to be the funniest shit ever, who knows.
The future will be completely overloaded with colorful and magical things that tingle our brains in all kinds of different ways. Art and entertainment will be so abundant, people won't be able to tell what they are listening to or what they are watching. Selling music or pictures is not going to cut it, you will have to sell yourself.