JustADudeBeingADood t1_jegxc1y wrote
Reply to comment by ThoughtsInSpacee in Can someone help tell me if I can afford this car? by ThoughtsInSpacee
Not really. Frankly, when you are single and have no kids AND no crazy debt, your rent/utilities are your big expense. If that is being provided free of charge, that is a massive support.
You can buy it with minimal risk since you can live for nearly free whenever you are unemployed.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jegw8c5 wrote
Your parents are taking care of you financially and you have them as a safety net.
It would be pretty low risk to buy an expensive car with the cash you have.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jdolzzu wrote
Reply to MANDATORY HELMET LAW by stu8163
How is this any different from seatbelt laws? Enough dumbass riders turn their heads into preventable cherry pie to create a burden on the rest of society.
Are you also going to fight against seat belts?
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jdivs6b wrote
Reply to comment by satans_toast in Tolland town meeting hacked with racist language, dancing naked man, official says by peaceahki
We're not sure yet. I can create a GUI interface using visual basic and track the IP.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jdiuxtk wrote
Reply to comment by satans_toast in Tolland town meeting hacked with racist language, dancing naked man, official says by peaceahki
No they broke through the mainframe.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jdacotp wrote
Reply to Looking for date ideas! by zestysauced
Yard Goats. They start up in two weeks. Great opportunity to talk but there is also entertainment to fall back on if you need a break from talking or the convo gets stale.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jd48q4h wrote
Reply to comment by PoisonIvyItch in News 12 Poll: Should Connecticut raise servers' wages? by jaydecay123
I know I sound like a corporate drone by saying this, but profit margins in most restaurants are not booming and wages can't be raised much.
People claim they are willing to pay 25+ dollars for a burger if the restaurant staff is paid well, but most restaurant owners don't want to take that gamble.
In non-food/hospitality industries, it is often just corporate greed. So don't take my statements as me defending CEOs being greedy. And every restaurant type is different. For example, a Subway franchisee owner is just hoping not to lose his shirt (John Oliver does an excellent breakdown on franchising restaurants and how shitty it is)
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jd47654 wrote
Reply to Goodbye giant DD cup by realbusabusa
I will never be on board with dropping donuts from the name :(
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jcrnfz6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What's the deal with the front license plate requirement? by beowolf66
Makes sense. But also, granted this is just my single day observation, I did go to the park today and see several CT cars with a black rectangle mount on the front but no actual plate.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jcqbz7f wrote
I don't understand why people don't get them. Why give cops any more ammunition against you? Best way to fly under the radar is to do the little things that take zero effort.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_ja7uzge wrote
Reply to Please share your experience with switching supplier from Eversource to one of the cheaper ones by jackmclrtz
Not too good to be true. The energy companies make the system just convoluted enough and bank on the average citizen to not bother switching suppliers.
Make the switch, it is pretty seamless. Put a note on your calendar whenever your contract will expire.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_ja0qtn1 wrote
Reply to I hear lots of people saying Manchester is not the most desirable place to raise a family. Is it true? by [deleted]
Manchester is just...okay. So many better towns all around CT
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j9jph3d wrote
Reply to That billboard by ILovePublicLibraries
Since the H doesn't stick out well, this is just begging for someone to add an F at the beginning.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j981utz wrote
Reply to Is Manchester that bad? by [deleted]
Pretty average to below average. Better than Bridgeport or Waterbury, worse than Plainville/Bristol/Southington. Way worse than the Farmington Valley, Glastonbury, and West Hartford.
It has had some bad press lately due to some high profile incidents involving administrators getting attacked or someone bringing a gun to school. But regardless, it has always been a pretty (slightly below) average town.
I would feel fine raising my family there if I found a good deal on a house. A kid can thrive anywhere with solid parenting and resources.
Edit: it is worth knowing that you are comparing emeralds to rubies compared to school systems outside of New England. Connecticut has fantastic schools and even Manchester has wonderful schools compared to rural Georgia. Don't let comparison be the thief of joy. Because none of us are Westport (:
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j91rlni wrote
If she moved from out of state she could legally own a pistol without registering it or having a permit.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j8ycl1t wrote
Maybe UConn should consider it's administrative bloated costs. Crazy how much cheaper college used to be 40 years ago. If we forced colleges to cut back expenses they would. Of course no leader would ever voluntarily accept cuts against their own organization.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j8rmcol wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Bars with good deals on good wings? by Pickles-In-Space
Holy shit you are a miserable person. This has to be a joke account right? Like you can't really be this miserable of a person in real life right?
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j8ms0zt wrote
Reply to Any recommendations for daycares in Norwalk or Wilton? Anything under $600? Running into a lot of wait lists and I’m finding most prices between $600 and $800 and even running into waiting lists with some of these. I have a 16 month old and looking to start in 1-2 months. Thanks in advance! by NPETravels
Unless you find a secret daycare center, you may need to go on Facebook and find a nanny you can trust. It takes time to vet someone and feel good about them. If you value socialization for your child (duh), you may want to see if there is a nanny who watches other children around that age.
You might need to pay higher than 600 per week depending on what you need. But it might only be temporary for you if you are okay with using a daycare once a slot opens.
I'm sure you can find cheaper but nothing I'd be okay with for my kids. COVID crushed the childcare system and now unfortunately, many households just opt to have one parent stay at home until the children are in grade school since most of your paycheck would go to childcare anyways lol
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j780yzs wrote
Reply to comment by evanescent_evanna in Dunkin’ Donuts? Starbucks? We have another, much better option! by KevinFromConnecticut
Do you remember where it was? I remember one in Plainville but can't remember where it was
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j7594oy wrote
Reply to comment by Funny_stuff554 in Dumbass by Funny_stuff554
If there are 3 spots left in a parking lot and someone double parks, you are simply taking the last physical space in the lot.
If I have two toddlers with me, I'm not qualifying for a handicap sticker. If I injure my leg temporarily, I'm not qualifying for a sticker.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j757s0i wrote
Reply to comment by Funny_stuff554 in Dumbass by Funny_stuff554
Unless the lot was full before this picture was taken. Or that driver has little kids or has mobility issues and doesn't want to walk across the entire lot.
I've definitely been in situations where I had to park like this because of another car being improperly parked.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j74ssct wrote
Reply to Dumbass by Funny_stuff554
It is also possible someone else parked like shit, forcing them to park like this on the line. Then when the other car(s) leaves, it leaves this dude looking bad when he was just parking where he could.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j6yypsw wrote
Reply to comment by Alert-Ad687 in CT residents would see billions in medical debt erased under Lamont plan: 'It's the right thing to do' by savings2015
I'm not saying there is a discount (well, there are with grants like Pell). I'm saying the government offers loans to 18 year olds that no private bank will offer outside of our current financial aid system. It has created a student loan crisis so bad the government is now forgiving loans...effectively creating a discount.
Because any 18 year old can and will sign up for any amount of government backed loans for college, colleges simply inflate their prices because they have no shortage of customers.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j6yq5a1 wrote
Reply to comment by Pruedrive in CT residents would see billions in medical debt erased under Lamont plan: 'It's the right thing to do' by savings2015
Hey I'm all for that too. Literally anything than the corporate greed infested healthcare system we have now.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jegy1sl wrote
Reply to comment by ThoughtsInSpacee in Can someone help tell me if I can afford this car? by ThoughtsInSpacee
You can say that about any purchase past a Toyota Camry, rice and beans, and clothes from Goodwill.
You can make this purchase without risking your financial health because of your parents covering you when your employment abruptly ends or if you can't find employment soon. Whether or not this is "worth it" is purely based on how much you value cars over other types of luxuries.