
KTfl1 t1_iuno1vo wrote

Moderate speaking federal candidates have historically voted along party lines. I don't know what happens along party lines behind the scenes, but it is rare a Democrat votes against Pelosi. Manchin comes to mind, but that seems very rare to me. Do you know why this is?

Unfortunately, without major $$, winning any election is difficult. Moderate candidates don't excite people anymore. I think people want a Hawley to counter AOC.


KTfl1 t1_iujhu9b wrote

I get this sentiment. People in this area like to talk. They want to interact. I believe there are many people from rural areas that just really appreciate their neighbors. I also been to places where young people and old people don't talk. Here, I think because of the strong family ties, you see more age diverse groups hanging out.

We have places around us where it is just you and trees.

Just my two cents. Everyone perspective is different.


KTfl1 t1_itmxoaj wrote

She was promoted 4 times during her employment with the city. How is that stacked against her?

Her reputation was shredded when she said she was forced to quit. The city would respond to any inquiry with title and dates of employment.

Seems like - that's what it seemed like to me. She was questioning the work ethic of an employee that didn't report to her, because what she wanted that person to do wasn't getting done.


KTfl1 t1_isqouab wrote

Tear up the carpet and see if you can find the offending nails. Squeaky floors are usually from a nail that missed. One nail can be very noisy. A high end stud finder and 2" screws can eliminate most sqeaks.

I helped my neighbors save a few hundred dollars by moving the furniture and tearing out the carpet. Then he had the floor installed.

Just do what you can where you can


KTfl1 OP t1_is6gtlf wrote

Brightspeed's website wasn't working right. So I called and have installation scheduled. Looked like the same deal that quantum has on their sites. $65 no data caps.

At the end of the call, they transferred me to verification, where they asked for my social. I declined. Turns out, they were selling dish network.

Reminder to all. Be careful with your private information.


KTfl1 OP t1_is66s6u wrote

I saw the brightspeed stuff which made me a little more leery. I do have it avaliable, and I am not certain which one is actually quantum website anymore. Seems like there are some copycats


KTfl1 t1_is64k8i wrote

Additional flavor, from a Branson Yacht club article. “We just kind of got the rug taken out from under our feet,” Mike Mahoney said. “If we can sell it, we’ll sell it. If not, we have to move it and sell it on another lot. We just got a couple of quotes and it’s anywhere between $3,000 to $5,000 to have it moved.”


KTfl1 t1_is5jmvh wrote

Profits from: one time sale of parcels. I envision a large development with mostly mobile home parcels, a small amount of commercial space, possibly rental spots for food trucks. I would also include a small amount of rental tiny homes as a stepping stone into the community.


KTfl1 t1_is58dqn wrote

The problem with mobile home parks is the archaic rules that allow you to purchase the improvement but rent the land. Therefore the only buyer would be a, the mobile home park, or b a person who wanted to live there. Without a transactional structure(real estate agents and lenders)like houses, the mobile home, ie the non movable vehicle, has minimal resale value.

Given today's housing shortage, I often thought about developing a tract of land for mobile homes, where the residents owned the land. Without lot rent, the property, would have better resale value, and still be more affordable than a normal home.