
Kaarssteun t1_izzm7l1 wrote

>what you're suggesting is infinite contentment and happiness

No. You clearly show you don't want that - so that's not your perfect world. If your perfect world contains misfortune and crime, you'll get that. In perfect doses, so that you are the happiest possible; even if your maximum sustainable happiness is relatively low. Seems like it.


Kaarssteun t1_izyewbn wrote

you think that now. Just wait until you're plugged into a custom FDVR experience tuned specifically to your taste, prickling the exact likes you've always had, scratching that itch you never even knew you had, and making you the happiest you could ever be - even if your perfection is imperfection.


Kaarssteun t1_izwmk69 wrote

programming is basically complicated shuffling very complicated bits around. You can describe anything like that; it's what defines intelligence.

Also yeah, there will still be musicians in 5 years, as will there be musicians post-singularity. Some people just really enjoy doing it themselves. Don't see your point there


Kaarssteun OP t1_ixda8w8 wrote

This is quite intriguing. It ranks in the top 10 percent of participants who played more than one game, which at first glance isn't as impressive as AlphaZero, for example. Then however, you remember that diplomacy requires players to actively converse & cooperate with other players, which sets many variables out of the AI's sphere of influence. I'm not too familiar with Diplomacy, but I imagine the top 1% of players who played more than one game have played only 4-5, and got lucky by winning them all. Feel free to prove me wrong on that, though.

Chances are that this is limited by its language model, a field in which we see rapid improvements every day.

Edit - just want to add that I've been increasingly fond of Meta AI recently. Phenomenal stuff coming from them, and they're open sourcing CICERO.


Kaarssteun t1_ix8t4th wrote

This makes me think of Life 3.0's story of the Omega team. Long story short, a team of dedicated AI researchers manage to create AGI, and huddle in their office for a week to make sure their plan pans out right. First, they make the AI do paid tasks for the omega team on Amazon MTurk, tasks that were previously only able to be done by humans. They earn millions per day, which opens the door to the next phase - Media.

Tasking the AI to create high quality movies & games, the entertainment produced by the AI has managed to top charts worldwide within weeks - public confusion is toned down by elaborate stories the AI made to cover up the huge ploy. There are now dozens of registered companies that are wholly led by the Omega's ASI. New technologies - like batteries with 2x capacity at 1/2 the weight - are brought to the market shocking the entire technological industry. Humanity thinks it's entering the next golden age, but doesn't realize who (or what) is leading it.

Undoubtedly being the most influential people on earth, the Omegas decide to use their exposure to coo everyone to the middle of the political spectrum using its highly optimized psychology tricks, far outperforming the most manipulative people on earth. Political and religious extremism rapidly declines, as does poverty, hunger and illness.

This could all play out in a year or two, maybe less.

Of course, this is highly hypothetical & super optimistic in certain ways. Now imagine what could happen if the wrong people get their hands on AGI.


Kaarssteun t1_ix8nq07 wrote

For sure. As humans, we tend to focus way more on the negative things - which does save lives. My attitude to futurism is mostly the good parts though, given the good things stick around. The bad parts either kill us all - in which case there's no need to worry - or eventually disappear.