KadenKraw t1_je0d9um wrote
Reply to comment by worcestertryhard in Why do ppl seem to hate ziggy bombs? I went there and the food isn’t great but it’s def better than some ppl make it out to be. by Sithlordbelichick
> I used to work for him and he was a nightmare
Not surprised. I've seen how he responds to some comments on reviews and social media. Its like an angsty teenager.
KadenKraw t1_jdekbck wrote
When I was making 45k a year I bought a 1 bedroom condo that came out to like 1100 a month between mortgage and HOA fees. This was in Marlborough in 2019. I'm sure somewhat cheap condos can be bought in the area. Much better than renting.
KadenKraw t1_jdej4dj wrote
Reply to comment by moisheah in The Kiln, 111-apartment complex, has opened in Worcester. How much do units cost? by moisheah
Who pays these outrageous prices? I don't get how these luxury apartments keep existing.
KadenKraw t1_jdadiww wrote
Reply to comment by Mission_Albatross916 in Cheap house. Under 300k. You’re not a homeowner because you’re lazy…. by fuertepqek
Yeah western MA is a bit too far for our needs. Nice area though my dad's family live in Springfield and Hamptons.
KadenKraw t1_jd8e5w8 wrote
Reply to comment by WorcesterResident in Got 2-4 hours to kill?? Then have I got a place for you! by ericyankusfranco
Besides this link do you know how I can find these regularly. I NEED to be at one that covers spectrum internet so I can bitch about it.
KadenKraw t1_jd8bmu9 wrote
Eastern MA is too expensive. We bought our house in Worcester for 325k
KadenKraw t1_jd88ki5 wrote
Reply to comment by NativeMasshole in What happens now to this sub? by smmshad
He deleted his account so I'm sure he will make a new one to try to grab "power" elsewhere
KadenKraw t1_jcy5mwm wrote
Reply to comment by matt_cb in The newest /r/massachusetts mod is a META/Facebook employee and seems a little unhinged. This seems like an issue, no? by TheCozierDaemon
I think that sub qualifies to get reported for something.
KadenKraw t1_jbt4hxw wrote
Reply to comment by NoIdeaWhatToD0 in No Friends No Life by flipper1965
KadenKraw t1_jbp8lt2 wrote
Reply to comment by yennijb in No Friends No Life by flipper1965
Lol the goblin horn looks nothing like a shofar. Do you even know what one looks like or what the horn in game looks like? It looks way closer to a viking horn than a shofar so you are totally wrong there. Very rarely bejewl or put metal on a shofar. Its also made of animal horn not wood like the goblin horn its very obliviously viking style.
How do you feel the representation of Goblins in the wizarding world is negative? Like I said they are artists and artisans. We met many in the game. Like a merchant and painter or a sweet guy with a mooncalve pet. We even get help from the badguy's brother that is working against the bad goblin because he doesn't agree with his ideals. Goblins aren't presented as a homogeneous group at all or in a negative way.
> Also, the "people who worked on the game" have already been paid,
Do you think all work ends when a game releases? Do you think they get paid a lump sum for the whole development? What do you think happens to a studio and its employees if a game doesn't sell? It shutsdown and everyone is fired.
They aren't paid once for the game dude. They are still working every day for a paycheck, to provide patches, finish the other platform ports. And if the game does well, they keep their jobs and work on the next game or dlc.
> I'm not Jewish
Then I don't you need getting offended on my behalf. I grew up in a town of 16,000 jews and none of us ever compared the golbins to jews. Its only after JK got terfy and people wanted to find reasons to get upset. Way more jews see no issue then those that do. Or non jews that want to get offended on others behalf.
KadenKraw t1_jboy8kx wrote
Reply to comment by yennijb in No Friends No Life by flipper1965
Except it also funnels money towards all the employees working on the game and all their families. Making money off of a game that has plenty of lgbt and poc representation.
Tell me how Goblins are antisemitic?
Goblins are bankers, merchants, artists, tradesmans in the Wizard world. Exactly the same as goblins or dwarves in other fantasy settings such as world of warcraft.
So why are goblins a jewish stereotype? Because some have hooked noses? That's the only difference between a dwarf. Pretty sure it makes you anti-semetic if you compare goblins to jews but not dwarves just because some goblins have hooked noses.
You are welcome to explain yourself better though.
KadenKraw t1_jbottmq wrote
Reply to comment by Liqmadique in No Friends No Life by flipper1965
"I only boycott what has no negative impact on my life"
KadenKraw t1_jbotomr wrote
Reply to comment by yennijb in No Friends No Life by flipper1965
You can be trans in Hogwarts legacy
The badass town inkeeper is trans
The game has an extremely diverse ethnic cast
There are several gay relationships in the game
The game represents and puts lgbtq people in a far greater light than any negativity from Rowling
KadenKraw t1_jbor3ab wrote
Reply to comment by NoIdeaWhatToD0 in No Friends No Life by flipper1965
Elders Scrolls online is pretty fun! I play with my wife together its got good story quests.
KadenKraw t1_jblh35m wrote
Reply to comment by Donebrach in Where in and around Worcester can I find a cheap (under $500) mattress? by aKaake
> I'd rather not order it from Amazon.
From OP's post
KadenKraw OP t1_jbbo8je wrote
Reply to comment by legalpretzel in Some of our recycling trucks have an arm lifter by KadenKraw
Yeah I don't why people act like Worcester is some magic unique city and that no other city has similar problems they may have found solutions for.
KadenKraw OP t1_jbblf6t wrote
Reply to comment by sunshinepills in Some of our recycling trucks have an arm lifter by KadenKraw
> I've lived in places with the wheelie bins and they are also no match for a good gust of wind
Yeah I had the 55 gallons in a previous town. Big ones barely move. I have 35 gallon currently it stays put while everyone else recycling is all over the street
> Imagine 3-6 bins, per house, lined up side-by-side on a sidewalk
Like it already is? exchanging bins that don't have a auto lift ability for ones that do doesn't add more bins.And having larger bins that a truck can pick up would probably reduce the ammount of bins since we currently have very tiny ones.
KadenKraw t1_jbbcszs wrote
I like Antonios for more unique stuff and Atlas pizza for general easy good priced pizza.
KadenKraw t1_jbbcmcc wrote
Reply to comment by SmartSherbet in Worcesters Best Pizza? It certainly isn’t from Frankie’s by OandKrailroad
I always get slices from the counter when I walk and and its never soggy.
KadenKraw t1_jaydu7j wrote
Reply to comment by New-Vegetable-1274 in Working from home by New-Vegetable-1274
Yeah totally makes sense at that point. I'm 30 so still quite away from my last car. Once my 2017 Corolla dies I'm eyeing a rav 4 hybrid or maybe full eclectic will be cheap by that point if I get the average 10 years of a car 2027 will hopefully have much better options and prices.
KadenKraw t1_jaxtyqs wrote
Reply to comment by New-Vegetable-1274 in Working from home by New-Vegetable-1274
Yeah I have never in my life paid more than 15k for a used car. 40k is not even close to worth the price or what I would be willing to pay for a rarely used vehicle. It would need to be way cheaper to make economic sense for me and most people. Don't get me wrong think evs are very cool but it's just not worth it yet.
KadenKraw t1_jaxok0k wrote
Reply to comment by New-Vegetable-1274 in Working from home by New-Vegetable-1274
Yeah except they are too expensive still. Would if I could.
KadenKraw t1_jaxf7td wrote
Reply to comment by Impossible_Ad_361 in Looking for places to socialize by Impossible_Ad_361
Regularly take martial arts classes sounds like a good option then. You will be training with the same people every week.
KadenKraw t1_jax328d wrote
Haven't we learned the juice isn't really as healthy as people think it is? Because you can drink way more than you can eat so you end up drinking way more sugar. I think I remember learning also that when you liquefy juice instead of eating your body doesn't take in the fiber or process it the same way since it recognizes it as a liquid vs solid or something like that?
KadenKraw t1_je22m74 wrote
Reply to comment by gingerzombie2 in My Grandmother’s oven, circa 1966. Many holiday meals were cooked with love here, right up until the day she passed. Aside from one shattered glass door that was replaced, everything still works! by _Mr_Roboto_
You ever see the dual flex space ovens? I wonder if they are any good.