
KadenKraw t1_j9zrqxf wrote

Reply to comment by AchillesDev in Go Grande be careful by iterable

Again what's your point of commenting that it never it happened to you when it's something that commonly enough happens. Do you want a pat on the back on you've never had bad luck? Congrats?


KadenKraw t1_j9oo6nm wrote

Reply to comment by AchillesDev in Go Grande be careful by iterable

Again, your 1 pizza place anecdotal experience means nothing among the thousands. Your comment is useless.

"This is more common than thought"

"It never happened to me"

"Thanks for sharing little Jimmy go back to your corner and keep eating paste"


KadenKraw t1_j9htxhs wrote

Reply to comment by AchillesDev in Go Grande be careful by iterable

Then what was even your point of responding to my comment saying its something that is more common then people think.

"This is more common than thought"

"It never happened to me"

"Thanks for sharing little Jimmy go back to your corner and keep eating paste"


KadenKraw t1_ix8io7i wrote

Haven't been there in years so don't know. I know I generally get better service and 5g then verizon users.

Keep in mind mint mobile uses t-mobiles network. So anywhere they cover you will get service