KaiDaiz t1_j2ezeuk wrote
Reply to comment by HashtagDadWatts in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
um by your account the opponent was a total fraudster, never should of won, easy win... how did Dems lost and even some of their own voters switch to that guy? again total failure from the campaign and party to allow this result.
KaiDaiz t1_j2eylcg wrote
Reply to comment by HashtagDadWatts in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
yawn...am i shocked Rs lied? nope. Do I expect Dems to fight and even harder armed with info? yes...did they fight this midterm hard enough? NOPE.
Santos was a joke but you know what else was even bigger joke? NY Dems and Zimm campaign this midterm but do continue to simp how well they fought.
KaiDaiz t1_j2erhgc wrote
Reply to comment by HashtagDadWatts in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
yes so effective and aggressive campaigning that didnt prevent his flock from switching their votes or bother to show...it was ineffective and not enough but please keep defending his failed campaign. he failed to turn out his flock and kept them in line, end of story. its the only reason why santos managed to win, he turn the voters.
KaiDaiz t1_j2epzrp wrote
Reply to comment by HashtagDadWatts in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
yes such a presence that with barely any signs from him present in queens. ask anyone in queens or was there...he was absent.
KaiDaiz t1_j2ejsdj wrote
Reply to comment by HashtagDadWatts in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
> . Republican voters didn't care.
Some lost cause copium you got there. District was historically a reliable blue district. Santos couldn't have won without flipping Dem voters or turning them away from polls. Fact is and still is, Dems did terrible - didn't counter successfully, didn't campaign and winged it. They pissed away whatever ammo bc they were comfy and thought they win regardless.
KaiDaiz t1_j2e4kcs wrote
Reply to comment by TonyzTone in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
zimm drop ball too...barely campaigned in queens thats a fact. also still on them not a singe attack ad regarding this. keep driving the msg . they drop ball. acting like it was non caring Rs who voted the guy in. Santos won by flipping or sidelining Dem voters in district particularly the asian voters and Dems did nothing to counter. All these news about Santos after the election and all this lack of action? Thats on dem especially Zimm, campaigns matter...he ran a terrible one
KaiDaiz t1_j2bx362 wrote
Honest answer, NY Dems didn't see this guy a threat and will win the district. They were comfy and complacent despite not getting the redistricting map they wanted. The final map was still favorable to them and they believed it. His Dem opponent def wing the election and though he had it in bag bc their campaign barely made a presence in queens.
KaiDaiz t1_j26wafo wrote
Laws and charges regarding serious injury & death needs to be updated and need to be priorotity. The courts are backed up and criminals are escaping justice out due to speedy trial reform. Naturally car related crimes are bottom of the totem pole and worst - vehicular manslaughter is explicitly written as not one of the homicidal exceptions to speedy trial reforms.
As of now, if you plan to kill someone - do it in a car and hope the DA office still overburden and walk free by running out the clock to bring you to trial.
KaiDaiz t1_j1xm0p2 wrote
Reply to One very bad judge: Brooklyn Surrogate Judge Harriet Thompson must be kept out of the courtroom by ShinyGodzilla
Kings County surrogate court is a mess. They still dealing with a ton of pre-covid and now all the cases since covid.
KaiDaiz t1_j1mfutp wrote
Reply to comment by pensezbien in Brooklyn woman sues de Blasio, city after tripping over sidewalk outside his house by LouisSeize
Then the suit against BdB is useless, same with suit against Parks Dept. Its on DOT to fix.
KaiDaiz t1_j1mbasl wrote
Reply to Brooklyn woman sues de Blasio, city after tripping over sidewalk outside his house by LouisSeize
If BdB was complaining to city regarding raised sidewalk then its most likely due to tree roots. City is on hook to fix it if its tree related. If true, lady suing the wrong person and not the bigger cash cow.
KaiDaiz t1_j1jcd12 wrote
Reply to comment by spyro86 in New York City's new pre-K predicament by psychothumbs
Well telling you what will happen in the future...there will be cries of racial injustice and need to cancel program bc of it. It has happen before, cue current G&T program controversy.
KaiDaiz t1_j1j56ot wrote
Reply to comment by spyro86 in New York City's new pre-K predicament by psychothumbs
They should better allocate resources and relocate where the demand is but folks will claim the program is racist down the line when they notice its centers in poor minority areas closing and demand the entire program shut down for everyone for equality.
KaiDaiz t1_j1j3hbm wrote
Reply to comment by psychothumbs in New York City's new pre-K predicament by psychothumbs
You mean like Dems war on tracking? Dem led NYC DOE guts the G&T programs in black and brown communities and wonder why black & brown students underperforming and their SHS numbers plummet and use it's a excuse to get rid of all G&T programs and SHSATs?
Both sides play this starve the beast game.
KaiDaiz t1_j0hshyq wrote
Reply to comment by WallaceWatch in Bruce wasn’t bluffing: Truck depot opening at scuttled housing site by drpvn
Wouldn't of matter if it was 100% affordable. She didn't want any more non blacks moving into her district. That was the main reason why she killed it. She preferred the least # of units built in a futile attempt to delay the changing demographics of her area.
KaiDaiz t1_j0hn5g5 wrote
Well KRJ did complain new housing will impact parking as one of her reasons to deny plan. Now she will get plenty of parking...just for trucks.
KaiDaiz t1_izyda83 wrote
cats kills a bunch of birds so we end up with another issue
KaiDaiz t1_izqbxof wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pickleball players banned from NYC park after turf war with kids by habichuelacondulce
modified ping pong played on a court
KaiDaiz t1_izfj2fg wrote
Reply to “Adams Plan Would Relax Rules for Developers Amid N.Y.C. Housing Crisis” The mayor proposed reducing requirements that he said slow the construction of new homes as the city contends with a housing crisis. by CactusBoyScout
421a if returned, should only apply to developments in the 1hr+ zones from midtown. Devs will build buildings in the trendy zones regardless of the subsidies. If the goal is to build more housing and it actually affordable, we are simply building and offering incentives to build it in the wrong place. Also pass a land value tax and up zone everything. It will fix most of our underutilized land issue.
KaiDaiz t1_ixrxwue wrote
No different NYPD or any police agency posting on twitter or any other social media app asking for tips, be on look out for x wanted individual OR viewing videos & doing their own sub analysis of criminal activity posted by users on said apps.
KaiDaiz t1_ixenz87 wrote
Reply to comment by GND52 in After ‘exhaustive negotiations,’ Won supports $2 billion Innovation QNS project in Astoria by 09-24-11
forgetting a thermostat you control bc the heating cost is now offed to your responsibility.
KaiDaiz t1_ixea2ph wrote
Reply to comment by Head_Acanthisitta256 in After ‘exhaustive negotiations,’ Won supports $2 billion Innovation QNS project in Astoria by 09-24-11
Folks should stop using word luxury...it's a marketing buzzword and phrase to generate reaction from housing advocates. Luxury is basically a basically market rate unit that was recently updated in the last decade.
KaiDaiz t1_ixdurjz wrote
Reply to comment by Head_Acanthisitta256 in Won Greenlights 3,200-Unit Astoria Development, Paving Way for Council Approval by space_______kat
well setting aside housing for folks that make minimum wage in one of the higher desirable areas be it Hudson Yard or Astoria was unfeasible and ill plan. What should happen is make those "affordable" units to 100% accept/priority for section 8 housing. That way if one makes min wage, they still qualify for section 8 vouchers to to pay the market rate of those new dev housing units.
Owners get to rent their housing at market rate. Min wages get to rent market rate with vouchers. More units accept section 8 vouchers. Win for all cept city who has to pay the voucher.
KaiDaiz t1_ixdr35v wrote
Reply to comment by Head_Acanthisitta256 in Won Greenlights 3,200-Unit Astoria Development, Paving Way for Council Approval by space_______kat
So we may never get these affordable units at the AMI listed...hence Won lost. But she was going to lose anyway bc council was prepare to go with the 40% plan anyway if she didn't support. So Won had to take whatever she can get to close deal or they proceed without her
KaiDaiz t1_j2f1umo wrote
Reply to comment by HashtagDadWatts in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
They had to turn Dem voters to win district - either their vote or turn them away from polls...which they did. Again who i blame for the side switching? Dems lack of effort. Stop acting its all mindless R voters who didn't care and just voted for Santos and thats how he won