
KaiDaiz t1_itawlyq wrote

Well they are renting out the market units for profit to gwailos to subsidize the operation of the rent regulated units for existing asian population. The holdouts still want to own the properties. All depends on how much money toss at them and when their rent regulated units become too much of a burden for them keep.


KaiDaiz t1_itaj9iv wrote

Most of the chinatown buildings are owned by few select asian families that had a pact long ago to never sell outside the group. If one ones to exit, the remaining get first dibs and pools to buy out the member leaving. Its how chinatown stayed chinatown for this long. Naturally as each generation pass, someone gets sway from from the pack with larger offers. Personally not a fan of these racial covenant and I will call it out and should be done away even if it means losing diluting the demographics of the area.

Area is prime real estate but good amount are RS/RC plus with buildings aging and ever costly to run based on the rent collected...who else is able to pay the higher rent but not the non asian folk to subsidize the remaining rent regulated units? plus exodus of its asian demographics to cheaper areas - harder to keep chinatown within the family.

Would argue - that chinatown needs non asian money to keep it afloat more than ever.


KaiDaiz t1_iqw9a51 wrote

City cant afford it and don't have the manpower to do daily pickups. If you cant see that, you simply blind of reality. How often the city pick up your trash? think that small bin will hold it for the downtime for pickup? nope

Only way out of our trash mess is to drastically reduce the trash

Also not trash lobby


KaiDaiz t1_iqvtr8h wrote

You honestly think its easier to massively expand the sanitation force + dig a bunch of holes in ground or place other bins? The expense alone makes this unfeasible for city.

OR easier for city to slap fines and fees to correct our trash problem. Far easier and cheaper the later for city to implement fast.


KaiDaiz t1_iqu8gd1 wrote

No counting required since you have to use specific bags purchase from city. If not in those bag, they wont get picked and household fined. Simple process. More trash you generate, more bags you buy from city.

While those giant containers system look nice, it will simply cost a arm and leg to install and to get our sanitation to pick them up regularly. Plus need truck upgrades. So never going to happen due to cost.


KaiDaiz t1_iqu6a37 wrote

Hard to dig anywhere in city to make a hole for underground bin without hitting something critical. Also that NYU bin is serviced daily by private contractor. Good luck NYC Sanitation doing that. We have to dramatically expand our sanitation force at great expense. Cheaper to just force ppl to toss less garbage so less storage space needed


KaiDaiz t1_iqtw5jh wrote

and less trash also makes a giant difference. face it, there's not enough bins, alley or front sidewalk space to hide our trash that makes its removal economical & practical. Only way we can start talking about sensible trash storage is to store less of it. Start drastically reducing amount of trash...when our reduced trash output can fit in whatever bin design and haul away for cheap then we can talk about it