
KaiDaiz t1_iwbtlz1 wrote

Just allow only city approved batteries for sale, make it come with serial marked and a visible approval sticker that must be display all times, bike and battery must be licensed, with x frequent inspections at city center. Would ppl fake the stickers sure. But if caught especially after a fire incident, massive penalties.


KaiDaiz OP t1_iw090qe wrote

FYI for those that goes to any of their NYC locations but do note other stores might have same issue. Wish they list the deli meat brand/supplier.

>But health investigators do not believe NetCost Market delis are the only source of the outbreak, as a specific source of it has yet to be confirmed and some who got sick did not shop at the grocery chain.


KaiDaiz t1_ivyxeoi wrote

Did you not see the final approved map? it was still in our favor. Based on the results in NY...even if we got the map we wanted, we would have still lost those races. The down ballot crush was real. That's the reason why NY cause the Dems to lose the House but instead of blaming the Gov, we deflect to redistricting when the Gov deserves much blame for what happen. These are areas that Biden and past Dems carried and won in comfy margins. That margin was absent due to dislike of Gov.


KaiDaiz t1_ivxh2o0 wrote

>would have led to 7 more Democratic seats.

Delusional. Dems would have still lost the seats in their version of the map based on the performance of election.

This was the proposed map dems wanted -https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/redistricting-2022-maps/new-york/democratic_proposal/

We couldn't hold onto D4 with a 10+D lean in final map and you think we can take SI even with a 7+D lean in proposed? Nonsense. Would argue we would of lost all the germander created districts upstate anyway

Fact is even the final version of the map was still favorable to Dems and they still blew it and more. We lost the House bc of NY and it wasn't redistricting fault.


KaiDaiz t1_iuynph8 wrote

They would if they can. The area is not zone for housing and they want to change it. Criteria to change zoning was to allow the affordable housing which they met criteria with proposed plan

Would you rather they build a truck parking lot? that don't require zoning change and unmet demand. They make a killing off all the idle trucks that park side of highway right now


KaiDaiz t1_iu59nvk wrote

The cost to make a basement legal is enormous in terms of physical and monetary requirements. As someone who ponder and look into the cost - its not worth it not to mention the ongoing liabilities of a basement units. It be cheaper if I raise the roof of my house and build another unit. If the city offered me money and allowed the exception to my zoning to build another floor and keep it rent regulated for 15 yrs. Then its worth considering and better for the renter than any legal basement unit ever be.