KaiDaiz t1_itdqhrh wrote
Reply to comment by Extension_Gap2319 in Press Advisory: AALDEF and Chinatown & LES Community to Announce Lawsuit Using NY’s New Environmental Protections Against Major Developer by hannibalbaracka
chinatown needs the gwailos to surive..as if the asian folks currently living there pay enough to cover the expenses.
KaiDaiz t1_itawlyq wrote
Reply to comment by pillkrush in Press Advisory: AALDEF and Chinatown & LES Community to Announce Lawsuit Using NY’s New Environmental Protections Against Major Developer by hannibalbaracka
Well they are renting out the market units for profit to gwailos to subsidize the operation of the rent regulated units for existing asian population. The holdouts still want to own the properties. All depends on how much money toss at them and when their rent regulated units become too much of a burden for them keep.
KaiDaiz t1_itaj9iv wrote
Reply to comment by Extension_Gap2319 in Press Advisory: AALDEF and Chinatown & LES Community to Announce Lawsuit Using NY’s New Environmental Protections Against Major Developer by hannibalbaracka
Most of the chinatown buildings are owned by few select asian families that had a pact long ago to never sell outside the group. If one ones to exit, the remaining get first dibs and pools to buy out the member leaving. Its how chinatown stayed chinatown for this long. Naturally as each generation pass, someone gets sway from from the pack with larger offers. Personally not a fan of these racial covenant and I will call it out and should be done away even if it means losing diluting the demographics of the area.
Area is prime real estate but good amount are RS/RC plus with buildings aging and ever costly to run based on the rent collected...who else is able to pay the higher rent but not the non asian folk to subsidize the remaining rent regulated units? plus exodus of its asian demographics to cheaper areas - harder to keep chinatown within the family.
Would argue - that chinatown needs non asian money to keep it afloat more than ever.
KaiDaiz t1_itaij4a wrote
KaiDaiz t1_irizo0e wrote
Its the embassy and common practice by all nations. Every nation's embassy on foreign soil is a foreign intelligence staging post
KaiDaiz t1_ir7tjut wrote
So he is in the wet work business
KaiDaiz t1_iqxd221 wrote
Reply to comment by mule_roany_mare in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
nah 2x where I live. either way def not everyday to make those bins work in example hence city can never afford to make these bins work for entire city
KaiDaiz t1_iqwva8q wrote
Reply to comment by GoPikachuGo1 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
paying for excess trash is the norm for rest of world and most places in usa as well.
KaiDaiz t1_iqwa4nz wrote
Reply to comment by HighGround24 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
It will overflow. Even in video they state it requires daily pickup and by private contractors I bet. That alone is not feasible for city to do with current staffing.
KaiDaiz t1_iqw9a51 wrote
Reply to comment by Over-Tackle5585 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
City cant afford it and don't have the manpower to do daily pickups. If you cant see that, you simply blind of reality. How often the city pick up your trash? think that small bin will hold it for the downtime for pickup? nope
Only way out of our trash mess is to drastically reduce the trash
Also not trash lobby
KaiDaiz t1_iqw8gqd wrote
Reply to comment by Over-Tackle5585 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
barely afford the 100B budget but you want to add a few B out of no where for more sanitation on top of other budget woes? sure dude
KaiDaiz t1_iqw897h wrote
Reply to comment by LoneStarTallBoi in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
be sanitation not nypd writing tickets and they already write plenty
KaiDaiz t1_iqw0pcm wrote
Reply to comment by birthdaycakefig in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
majority of the us charges for excess trash vs the flat rate toss as much you can do here
KaiDaiz t1_iqvybjw wrote
Reply to comment by One-Conflict-5043 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
still boils down...you want to live in front of the community garbage collection site that has the unfair burden? those residents and owners will fight it
KaiDaiz t1_iqvy2mr wrote
Reply to comment by birthdaycakefig in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
have to start somewhere. fines and punishment has always been used by our society to correct behavior.
KaiDaiz t1_iqvw2d8 wrote
Reply to comment by One-Conflict-5043 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
yes their garbage not the entire blocks garbage infront of them.
would you live infront of community garbage collection site?
KaiDaiz t1_iqvtr8h wrote
Reply to comment by Over-Tackle5585 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
You honestly think its easier to massively expand the sanitation force + dig a bunch of holes in ground or place other bins? The expense alone makes this unfeasible for city.
OR easier for city to slap fines and fees to correct our trash problem. Far easier and cheaper the later for city to implement fast.
KaiDaiz t1_iqvsiuo wrote
Reply to comment by One-Conflict-5043 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
The building of the site chosen to house all the trash for entire street infront/near them wont support this idea. The residents in those corner spots will be in uproar.
KaiDaiz t1_iqvrzf5 wrote
Reply to comment by GoPikachuGo1 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
Its here as well. Over 9k communities here in USA. 62/100 largest cities in USA has some form of PYT. Canada has this too, go to Toronto. Basically it's the norm around the world and rest of USA to charge for excess trash vs flat rate we get here
KaiDaiz t1_iqvlshj wrote
Reply to comment by Rebel90x in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
these other places pay taxes + trash fee
KaiDaiz t1_iqvllbb wrote
Reply to comment by Shanghox in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
if not in specify bag, building fined and not picked up. eventually everyone gets on board
KaiDaiz t1_iqu8gd1 wrote
Reply to comment by 603er in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
No counting required since you have to use specific bags purchase from city. If not in those bag, they wont get picked and household fined. Simple process. More trash you generate, more bags you buy from city.
While those giant containers system look nice, it will simply cost a arm and leg to install and to get our sanitation to pick them up regularly. Plus need truck upgrades. So never going to happen due to cost.
KaiDaiz t1_iqu7cfh wrote
Reply to comment by 603er in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
Charge folks to pay as you throw after certain free amount. Not rocket science either, practice by many municipalities.
KaiDaiz t1_iqu6a37 wrote
Reply to comment by According_Click3992 in NYC has to be the only city in the world where it's a significant political accomplishment to deploy a single trash bin by scooterflaneuse
Hard to dig anywhere in city to make a hole for underground bin without hitting something critical. Also that NYU bin is serviced daily by private contractor. Good luck NYC Sanitation doing that. We have to dramatically expand our sanitation force at great expense. Cheaper to just force ppl to toss less garbage so less storage space needed
KaiDaiz t1_ith1vol wrote
Reply to ‘Dr. Doom’ predicts NYC destroyed by nukes, storms in next 20 years by No_Community6162
Gee...since cold war everyone has known NYC be nuked in event of a nuclear exchange. And no surprise to everyone NYC be target of a nuke/dirty bomb/weapon of mass destruction by rogue state actors as well.