
KallistiTMP t1_jd8tlq0 wrote

I've heard of added value, especially in terms of highlighting risk areas and developing strategies to minimize those risks. They have a pretty good sense of how to make the AI less likely to say racist/sexist/offensive stuff.

Unfortunately, whenever it comes to a question of money vs. ethics, companies always side with money. So in application the only impact they can have is on ethics improvements which don't threaten the bottom line.


KallistiTMP t1_j6li12p wrote

The law exists to protect capitalists' financial interests, not the interests of the people. Everything else is propaganda. Even the laws that people think of as being there to protect citizens like the laws against assault, theft, murder, hard drugs, etc, are really just clever ways of extracting the maximum amount of profit and slave labor from whichever group of people society feels least sympathetic towards.