Karatekan t1_jcu4mf8 wrote
Reply to comment by DjuriWarface in TIL that a famine in Persia (Iran) between 1917–1919 lead to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people. It's an event that hasn't been studied by many historians. by icantthinkofaname940
The exact causes of the famine, the experience of the people that lived there, how it affected history going forward, etc. It's worth studying history for its own sake in my opinion, you could boil down most events in history to "well that sucked", but it doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile to learn about it.
Karatekan t1_jcpaq1a wrote
Reply to TIL that a famine in Persia (Iran) between 1917–1919 lead to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people. It's an event that hasn't been studied by many historians. by icantthinkofaname940
It was in the middle of a war. There was also widespread Influenza, Cholera, and Typhus epidemics. The most productive land in Iran was a war zone between the Ottomans and the Russians. Inter-country transport and international import of grain was disrupted by the conflict, and there was also unusually low snowfall in the mountains, which led to a drought. 3 of the 4 major players disintegrated during or shortly after the war (Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Qanjaz Dynasty) leading to paucity of reliable sources.
Not particularly easy to study.
Karatekan t1_j8f2ukb wrote
Reply to comment by Unsimulated in Would an arcology be conceivably possible? by peregrinkm
The issue is you would need heavy industry to actually be self sufficient, systems essential for life would inevitably break down and it takes that to fix them. Radiation and impact events would damage the hull over time, solar panels or reactors would need repairs, and moving parts or communications equipment would break. Even the simple act of maintaining an atmosphere would degrade the ship over time. You would probably want engines or thrusters to keep a stable orbit, or in case a big asteroid came close to intercepting, and that would definitely require maintenance.
Karatekan t1_ixwdmuf wrote
Reply to comment by TaskForceCausality in TIL Singapore’s constitution requires the President to have experience as a minister - or as CEO of a large, profitable company. by ltdanhasnolegs
Lol what? Obama, Clinton and Carter, to name a few in the modern era, were neither lifelong political operators or particularly rich before becoming president.
Karatekan t1_jd8mtc0 wrote
Reply to TIL China and India have been the population centers of the world for at least 6,000 years by aaleom
The Mediterranean and the Near East had comparable populations for most of their history. It was only really after the 1600’s that India and China truly diverged and Europe became the population center in the West.