KeegorTheDestroyer OP t1_j2pzw84 wrote
Reply to comment by Dusty923 in Discover Pass Question by KeegorTheDestroyer
Seems fair. I would rarely use it for my wife's car anyway, but just wanted to get the lowdown from folks who have experience.
KeegorTheDestroyer OP t1_j2pw07f wrote
Reply to comment by Spork_Facepunch in Discover Pass Question by KeegorTheDestroyer
Yes this. My wife's car would rarely be used but there are times where I could see her going across the river to Beacon Rock while I'm at work with my car.
I just wanted to see if anyone had not filled theirs out and got away with it.
KeegorTheDestroyer t1_irvom2h wrote
Reply to comment by chantsnone in Deceased Whale at Ruby Beach by thedarkforest_theory
The cops tried to get the story out of the victim while they were still alive, but they kept blubbering.
KeegorTheDestroyer OP t1_j2q05cr wrote
Reply to comment by Seraphynas in Discover Pass Question by KeegorTheDestroyer
Yes I understand the top point but was hoping to find a way to use it with my 3rd vehicle as well.
And yes, Oregon has a state parks pass for $30/year or $50/2 years good for all state parks.