
KennyWuKanYuen t1_jcm44yr wrote

This may seem a little off kilter since I can’t think of any locations at the moment, however; have you considered maybe a food truck-style coffee shop? If not, I’ll just plant the seed in your mind.

But I was thinking maybe West End, but that’s also in Providence. In EP, you could try by city hall or the HS, but those areas seem too busy for good foot traffic. Most places that come to mind for a good coffee shop are in Providence, either near the East Side or downtown, but all of that goes against your stipulations. :/


KennyWuKanYuen t1_j8m8l68 wrote

They were good pre-pandemic, dipped during the pandemic, came back bussin’ during the endemic phase.

Their supplier seems to fluctuate a bit as they’ve had really big and really small wings with no standard size for a period of time (2020-2021/2).

I had previously liked BBQ Chicken more, which is up the street, but their prices have ballooned so much that it’s not worth it (not to mention the decline in quality too).

Overall, they’re a strong 7.8/10 for me (A-/B+) for KFC, but I honestly think I still prefer Crave up in Boston and KoChix down in D.C. I do have a soft spot for BonChon since they’re my first foray into Korean fried chicken, despite declining QC issues.


KennyWuKanYuen t1_j8dswkm wrote

RIC was a safety school for me since they offered a full ride. But when compared with URI, I honestly would’ve gone with RIC. Facilities seemed nicer at the time and it was a smaller campus, which I really liked, compared to URI which seemed massive.

I honestly don’t know why people dislike RIC since I have three friends going there at the moment and it’s been alright for them.


KennyWuKanYuen t1_j6orv5h wrote

Go for a photoshoot near sunset at the pedestrian bridge. Quite scenic. Hit up Junior’s if you want a late night snack (better than Harry’s IMO). Explore Thayer. Mingle with Brown and RISD students.