KentuckYSnow t1_j1vcq3u wrote
Reply to Apartment flooded w/o rental insurance. by [deleted]
You are not entitled to anything. Everyone wants some shit for free.
KentuckYSnow t1_j1ol1ac wrote
Reply to comment by ScrumGuz in Emergency Plumber + ideas of what we can do? by throwaybeauty
Tube cutter plus some shark bites will take care of it if you can access the pipe.
KentuckYSnow t1_j1m8omy wrote
Reply to PJM asks to conserve power by LGP214
It means turn off your fucking btc rigs!
KentuckYSnow t1_j1m7wxi wrote
Reply to comment by Jazzlike_Breadfruit9 in Any bars open Christmas afternoon/evening near Children’s Hospital? by Yinzer89
Any place is a bar if you pour your BEvERage into an appropriate cup!
KentuckYSnow t1_j1m7tqv wrote
Depends on how large and drafty your space is. 50s should be fine if you don't have cold air blowing in that you can feel. Heat bills are cheaper than frozen pipes, however.
KentuckYSnow t1_j1kuhvf wrote
Reply to comment by sebileis in please be patient with public works! by kitsandkats123
How are those train linescoming Sebastian?
KentuckYSnow t1_j1kucj9 wrote
Reply to comment by cigarmanpa in PJM asks to conserve power by LGP214
Or any teslas
KentuckYSnow t1_j1ktzpv wrote
Reply to Homeless in extreme temps by BusinessNobody7080
You mean Penn Ave and Braddock? There are always people begging there. They have a place to go, but that's a busy intersection which makes it more lucrative to beg.
KentuckYSnow t1_j1e0yfn wrote
Reply to please be patient with public works! by kitsandkats123
Considering the city literally NEVER plows or salts my street, patience isn't the word.
KentuckYSnow t1_j1bjx8s wrote
Reply to Garbage collection delay? by itsmnemotime
At least the trash will be frozen solid; i.e. no stink
KentuckYSnow t1_j18klkf wrote
Reply to comment by happyjazzycook in D oes anyone know of a weather forecasting website that will give me a "travel forecast" for a car trip? I absolutely have to drive a couple of hours northeast at some point today (mostly I79 and 80) and there's all sorts of weather conditions predicted. Thanks! by happyjazzycook
KentuckYSnow t1_j15iqoc wrote
Grandma's nut rolls aren't as good as they used to be. in fact, nothing she cooks is as good as it used to be, but you're all gonna eat it for Christmas anyway to avoid making her die from grief.
KentuckYSnow t1_j13th4y wrote
Reply to Car necessary for 3 month stay? by TightestKnees
KentuckYSnow t1_j0ys2yd wrote
Long John's, wool socks, ski bibs. Avoid cotton, it stays wet. Mittens > gloves. Hats n'at.
KentuckYSnow t1_iykmo3c wrote
Reply to BYOB restaurants by No_Fee_3339
Any place is byob if you're discreet.
KentuckYSnow t1_iybys98 wrote
Reply to Coal mines within Pittsburgh/the East End? by unkapu
There's an undermined layer on the ArcGIS that shoes where known mines are located. Pretty much in Garfield under the new projects.
KentuckYSnow t1_ix6rrgy wrote
Reply to comment by westinghousesghost in Which McDonalds are serving all day breakfast? Asking for a McMuffin-addled friend. by imadv8r2
The real truth
KentuckYSnow t1_ix047p1 wrote
Reply to Are these ice rinks open? by JuliaX1984
Schenley opens on the 28th and is only 5 bucks.
KentuckYSnow t1_iwvq45a wrote
Reply to comment by alwaysboopthesnoot in Bell Acres CEO of accounting firm pleads guilty to defrauding IRS of over $15M by ddesigns
Pretty sure that treatment is reserved for when YOU are the person who wrote the bad check. If you're depositing a cash or check someone else gave you, you'll just get a fee. Possibly unless youve done this a bunch of times and they're on to you
KentuckYSnow t1_iwq3k2v wrote
Reply to Purchasing Kitchen Cabinets by ErnieMcCraken
If you can find them, and wait a while for it to be made, you can probably save 60% by getting the Amish to build them. You'll also need to haul it down yourself, but man, their stuff is nice.
KentuckYSnow t1_ivvslm8 wrote
Reply to Reliable way to get to the airport at 4am? by LEPrecon24
Most reliable? Drive yourself and pay for parking. Second most reliable? Have a trustworthy friend drive you.
KentuckYSnow t1_ivs16v6 wrote
Reply to comment by CARLEtheCamry in Low Income Turkey Day Supports by memeking10101
They only throw in the $20 so you leave them the fuck alone. group contributions from offices should be banned because one could argue that they're coerced into giving.
KentuckYSnow t1_ivmj1h2 wrote
Reply to comment by VietBongArmy in Christmas Tree Farms in Pittsburgh (and surrounding areas!) by whatisdavedoing
Lol fuck yeah! Gitim!
KentuckYSnow t1_ivhrfll wrote
Reply to comment by DugganSC in Fetterman predicts early Republican lead in vote counting due to changes by GOP lawmakers | The Hill by oldschoolskater
If someone wasn't going to vote already they aren't going to change their mind day of.
KentuckYSnow t1_j206dc0 wrote
Reply to comment by VespiWalsh in Apartment flooded w/o rental insurance. by [deleted]
Maybe op should have gotten some fucking insurance instead of going on the internet hoping that someone would tell him that it is someone else's responsibility to pay for his ruined belongings.