
KentuckYSnow t1_j5der11 wrote

There's no such thing as clean energy. It all has environmental drawbacks, from dammed valleys to eagles whose wings get chopped off. The materials used to store electricity to avoid burning fossil fuels are themselves terrible to extract from the environment, but like much else, it shifts the problem elsewhere and it's out of sight, out of mind.


KentuckYSnow t1_j4letxr wrote

Probably because the one on kleber started at 365 and had no yard but a pool, which is a huge liability. The people lived there for like 40 years I bet it needs electrical, plumbing, sewage, or some combination replaced and that's gonna be tens of thousands of dollars on top of paying almost 400k and being on yet another street that is an approach to the McKees rocks bridge.


KentuckYSnow t1_j4lapx0 wrote

The beagles will eventually die, but you'll never get rid of the McKees rocks bridge. Location, location, location!

Even that nice one is on a corner. Unless they get a new fence half the neighborhood will either cut across their lawn or let their dogs shit and piss all over it.


KentuckYSnow t1_j2upihk wrote

Reply to comment by g_h_o_s_t_ in Prívate tag agency by bitchmomma69

Don't care, as long as he does the professional part of the job quickly, accurately, and at a fair prices idgaf what he does on the weekend. Op didn't ask where to hang out for a good convo, just for tags etc.


KentuckYSnow t1_j2tzaww wrote

Reply to comment by PGHxplant in Prívate tag agency by bitchmomma69

For the love of God don't waste your time with this shit hole. The people there are so unhelpful and disinterested, and it has to be the slowest place I've ever waited for service.
