KentuckYSnow t1_j5deaon wrote
Reply to comment by mmphoto412 in My face when I saw this months gas bill. by bearsharkbear3
Idk where you live, but in the city, that's like a 30k reduction to the school property tax assessment which is worth around 300 bucks.
KentuckYSnow t1_j5de34d wrote
Reply to comment by jetsetninjacat in My face when I saw this months gas bill. by bearsharkbear3
All of them.
KentuckYSnow t1_j5d6fi7 wrote
Reply to comment by fobreezee in Where can you get rid of bad fuel in Pittsburgh? by fobreezee
If it's just a mowers worth dump it into a car, it will be fine. I wouldn't run a whole tank like that, but 1 gallon out of 20 won't matter. Modern engines recirc oil into the combustion chamber to maintain crankcase pressure year, throw some stabil into it.
KentuckYSnow t1_j5d60gy wrote
Put a gallon into an almost full tank until it's all used up.
KentuckYSnow t1_j5d5pzf wrote
Reply to comment by pierogieking412 in My face when I saw this months gas bill. by bearsharkbear3
It kicks in when we aren't shipping liquified gas to Europe to keep their heating bills down when they don't want to buy from Russia.
KentuckYSnow t1_j4tgtgo wrote
Reply to comment by RobinWhitey in Nest smart thermostat co-founder is back with a new device for the home, focused on food by V_talks_alot
Eat all the spaghetti O's, shitnintounthis contraption and use that for the compost. It would work better.
KentuckYSnow t1_j4letxr wrote
Reply to comment by hambone012 in Question for those from the north side…: by hambone012
Probably because the one on kleber started at 365 and had no yard but a pool, which is a huge liability. The people lived there for like 40 years I bet it needs electrical, plumbing, sewage, or some combination replaced and that's gonna be tens of thousands of dollars on top of paying almost 400k and being on yet another street that is an approach to the McKees rocks bridge.
KentuckYSnow t1_j4le4jz wrote
Reply to comment by Aethenil in Question for those from the north side…: by hambone012
Lol fuck all that pedestrian shit. Never going to happen.
KentuckYSnow t1_j4ldzx6 wrote
Reply to comment by Responsible-Type-392 in Question for those from the north side…: by hambone012
Houses are still priced like mortgages are still 3%. If the flipper used cash and not a loan they can probably afford to sit on the house because it has a low property tax valuation until they sell it. To them that better than taking 30% off the ask.
KentuckYSnow t1_j4lapx0 wrote
Reply to comment by skfoto in Question for those from the north side…: by hambone012
The beagles will eventually die, but you'll never get rid of the McKees rocks bridge. Location, location, location!
Even that nice one is on a corner. Unless they get a new fence half the neighborhood will either cut across their lawn or let their dogs shit and piss all over it.
KentuckYSnow t1_j4jf0it wrote
Reply to City steps by MacysMama
There are houses at bluff and tenth?
KentuckYSnow t1_j47mja0 wrote
Reply to comment by GargantuanWitch in St. Joseph's Church in Bloomfield could close in the near future by Elouiseotter
Oh man, church brew works sucks so hard these days. Such a great idea and space, so run down and poorly executed
KentuckYSnow t1_j47m2nj wrote
Reply to comment by Elouiseotter in St. Joseph's Church in Bloomfield could close in the near future by Elouiseotter
I think that poster is referring to the other church, behind the bank, and using the money for the brick one on liberty. It's not really architecturally significant not even visually appealing, plus the school is gone. Obviously, they'd remove the important religious stuff.
KentuckYSnow t1_j47lgtf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in St. Joseph's Church in Bloomfield could close in the near future by Elouiseotter
Hopefully some shit comedian doesn't purchase it and paint a mural on it.
KentuckYSnow t1_j3ua8pc wrote
KentuckYSnow t1_j2upihk wrote
Reply to comment by g_h_o_s_t_ in Prívate tag agency by bitchmomma69
Don't care, as long as he does the professional part of the job quickly, accurately, and at a fair prices idgaf what he does on the weekend. Op didn't ask where to hang out for a good convo, just for tags etc.
KentuckYSnow t1_j2tzdm7 wrote
Reply to Prívate tag agency by bitchmomma69
Jeffs notary on Penn Ave. Gruff, but helpful. He only takes cash.
KentuckYSnow t1_j2tzaww wrote
Reply to comment by PGHxplant in Prívate tag agency by bitchmomma69
For the love of God don't waste your time with this shit hole. The people there are so unhelpful and disinterested, and it has to be the slowest place I've ever waited for service.
KentuckYSnow t1_j2bvk0t wrote
Housing is inexpensive. Unless youre poor, which means it's expensive everywhere for you and thus not a Pittsburgh problem.
KentuckYSnow t1_j28pdo3 wrote
Reply to comment by WololoYourWife in Trader Joe's take SNAP? by Equivalent_Alps_8321
Proof that money is fungible - we buy you food, And you can afford a smart phone to argue with people on reddit.
KentuckYSnow t1_j28n4rx wrote
Reply to comment by Purple_Discipline_70 in The best cat related places in Pittsburgh by Purple_Discipline_70
Nope! Good reminder to not let cats roam outdoors freely.
KentuckYSnow t1_j24pxiz wrote
Reply to comment by kitsandkats123 in Pittsburghese by Emergency-Ad-4671
Not all locals talk with the accent, especially if they didn't grow up in a blue collar neighborhood with millworkers as family members. The accent is pretty rare in higher income families.
KentuckYSnow t1_j24pms0 wrote
Reply to comment by Emergency-Ad-4671 in Pittsburghese by Emergency-Ad-4671
I don't think that's a Pittsburgh thing... Better cure it with fire
KentuckYSnow t1_j221tey wrote
Reply to comment by Showerbeerz413 in Apartment flooded w/o rental insurance. by [deleted]
Lol, no boomer here. Just an adult that can take care of their own shit without begging on the internet for freebies
KentuckYSnow t1_j5der11 wrote
Reply to comment by PsychologicalAerie53 in My face when I saw this months gas bill. by bearsharkbear3
There's no such thing as clean energy. It all has environmental drawbacks, from dammed valleys to eagles whose wings get chopped off. The materials used to store electricity to avoid burning fossil fuels are themselves terrible to extract from the environment, but like much else, it shifts the problem elsewhere and it's out of sight, out of mind.