
KentuckYSnow t1_j5yixcr wrote

Have you tried to hire someone to fix anything lately? Did you leave the apartment in a condition that required zero upkeep or repair? If you were paying minimal increases for several years it's going to be behind market value. Rents don't and shouldn't stay tethered to what the last person paid


KentuckYSnow t1_j5ws6fb wrote

Fun fact: over 75% of pedestrians (Adults, kids, whoever) killed in school bus related accidents over a recent 10 year period were hit by the bus rather than other vehicles.

What would probably help reduce this obviously low hanging fruit while also reducing the liklihood of cars hitting kids as they pass the bus would be to stop the ridiculous practice of the driver holding up traffic to let kids cross against the light. Just drop them off, and pull away, THEN the kids can cross the street when it's their turn. If the kids can't handle that on their own, oh idk, have someone older meet them at the bus stop, like say, one of their parents, or a grandparent.


KentuckYSnow t1_j5rqxec wrote

Free public education shouldn't be an entitlement, it should be a privilege that can be lost. The kids and their families know they can't be kicked out permanently.

If we still had neighborhood schools, and least their families would see the shit that they're doing. Kids don't respect someone else's neighborhood because they get to leave at night.
