
KentuckYSnow t1_j76wczq wrote

In the past few years it got impossible to find good, and still cheap food. Yeah there was real inflation, but these places started paying workers more to keep up with government subsidies, and there was also some gouging baked in that got labeled as being the fault of inflation. Point is, most people don't want to spend that much. Eventually, all that talk about higher employee wages is just talk, because people aren't going to accept those prices. My regular pizza used to be sub $10 for a plain pie, so I could get 2 for $20, but now it's pushing like $40 bucks, and I don't give a fuck what their costs or wages are, I'm not spending that much for two pizzas. Inflation was supposedly like 10% and I'm seeing a 100% price increase. Fuck that.


KentuckYSnow t1_j6mlf10 wrote

Do you want to learn how to use a handgun, shotgun, rifle? Anthony Arms in west Mifflin has a basic handgun class, and a variety of pistols they let you use in their basement range if you purchase their over priced ammunition.
