Kenz0Cree t1_jadbkfc wrote
Reply to Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
Wow I havent seen a post like this in a long time. Good stuff thanks
Kenz0Cree t1_j5x8z5s wrote
Work for the city and can tell you its the whole city thats horrible. It was always a pain in the ass but since the pandemic its turned into Mad Max. Too much crazy shit to describe what I see day to day.
Kenz0Cree t1_iwuovo3 wrote
Reply to comment by hdhcnsnd in Developer restoring 'Boner 4ever' building in North Philly wants to construct an 8-story addition by redeyeblink
The thought is that philly is gonna go through a resurgence and gentifry like NYC and boston has over the last 20 years. Guess we have to wait and see if it actually happens.
Kenz0Cree t1_itv79i6 wrote
No shit Turd Feruson.
Kenz0Cree t1_jdcytc0 wrote
Reply to comment by LBITruckee in SEPTA hopes new vertical gates will deter turnstile jumpers by APettyJ
If you only knew they have gotten big raises the last 2 contracts to basically stare at camera’s all day and the minimum needed patroling.