Kesshh t1_jecb3o1 wrote
Reply to comment by Kalarix in How do I backfill a trench beneath a sidewalk? by Kalarix
We did our drain line by digging up everything and trenched down. Our run was almost 40’ (forgot) so there was quite a bit of grading we needed to do. The grade was held up by gravel, 4” drain pipe (ours have holes to drain along the way, not just the down spout), fabric wrap to prevent clogging, gravel topped, then soil back fill, then everything went back on top.
Kesshh t1_jec74xk wrote
Is it a public sidewalk or your own private one?
Kesshh t1_jebn9br wrote
Worry? No. Stupid institutions that do stupid things should fail.
Kesshh t1_je7atd8 wrote
Reply to Pressure Treated Timber and Concrete by EeyorONzoloft1
Are you in a climate that freezes? If so, you posts should be at least a couple of feet below frost line.
Kesshh t1_jcd94wp wrote
This is an awesome visual!
Kesshh t1_jbkkcn4 wrote
Interesting. Population density over county geographical size seems to be an interesting axis. I wonder how that correlates with the presence/absence of large cities. Normally the density of population is significantly more dramatic with cities. I wonder if the underlying x-axis narrative can be remapped to “counties with big cities”.
Interesting find. Thank you for sharing.
Kesshh t1_jaul29s wrote
Reply to comment by Roughneck16 in Yield rate for Top 150 US Universities [OC] by Roughneck16
Not seeing any comment…
Kesshh t1_jahkmds wrote
Not surprised at U.S. and the likes… but what’s happening in Nigeria?
Kesshh t1_jahcx57 wrote
Reply to comment by inorout00 in Gender pay gap difference in select geographies [OC] by Ok_Acanthisitta5799
That’s like a completely false simplification. Employment has a large number of factors that affect the supply and demand. Proximity to the work location affects available workers. Skill/experience affects available workers. Need for income affects tolerances in pay gap. Lack of choices affects tolerances in pay gap. Just to name a few.
Kesshh t1_jahc62b wrote
Seems to have a build in bias. The lower the pay, the lesser the gap. What if the pay is adjusted to some sort of average-standard deviation type representation?
Kesshh t1_jact7r7 wrote
I bet he looks in the mirror and actually believes everything he says.
Kesshh t1_ja8xbk7 wrote
I mean. It’ll be worst if you try to cut it and ended up shattering it, right?
Kesshh t1_ja7q6sb wrote
That’s an interesting way to present the data.
First thing popped into my head is how railways have slope limit both uphill and downhill. To traverse a slope will require way more rails to loop and/or zigzags. So rails in mountainous region will have significantly more miles to cover the same distance between two points than in a flat region. I wonder if there’s enough data to change the measure from plain miles to actual distance covered. That would make an interesting comparison.
Kesshh t1_j9pnvjv wrote
Reply to Small Crack on Toilet by Doop132
Nope, there’s no fix to porcelain toilet crack. It needs to be replaced.
Kesshh t1_j9dnypf wrote
Reply to comment by Alexis_J_M in [OC] % of American students taking a foreign language class by state by ASoloTrip90000
While that is true biologically, in practice, kids will not learn when they are not ready, not in the right environment, not being taught correctly, not having the right teachers. Forcing everyone into a mold never worked and never will. That is THE biggest problem in our education system and education theory.
Kesshh t1_j9datv5 wrote
Reply to How do I find these g-d studs?? by WaterChestnutII
My house was built in the 70s, the studs were 24" on center.
Kesshh t1_j9dajjk wrote
K-12 percentage? That's a useless number.
Younger kids are learning English to start. Those will mostly be 0%. Older kids, depending on the State, DoE might even have foreign language requirements. In those states, it will be 100% for that age bracket. Without segmenting with those circumstances in mind, these numbers are useless.
Kesshh t1_j8tci4r wrote
Reply to - Trumps Final Numbers by extremekc
One thing I don’t like about these stats is that it seems to want people to conclude direct cause and effect when everything (politics, policies, economics, human behaviors, etc.) are so complicated and intertwined, not to mention the effect of governmental policies is often delayed for years before it is known.
Kesshh t1_j5zz9bo wrote
There’s no set time. It depends on what got flooded and what the damage is. You should talk to your insurance company ASAP and have them bring in a remediation team.
Kesshh t1_j57omgo wrote
Reply to The Lights Have Been On At a Massachusetts School For Over a Year Because No One Can Turn Them Off by AStartIsBorn
Make it some projects for the kids in the school. Do it and you get an A type thing. It’ll be fixed within a month.
Kesshh t1_j4ryboe wrote
Reply to comment by achenx75 in Can L brackets into brick hold a sound bar that's 15 inches out? by achenx75
Brick might be sketchy as it relies on the plugs.
What about hanging the sound bar off of the TV mount? I hanged mine off the VESA plate so that it turns with the TV.
Kesshh t1_j4rvto1 wrote
How heavy a sound bar? If you can screw into stud, it should be fine.
On the other hand, what about that wood (veneer?) thing across? Can that hold weight? A couple of Z brackets would let you hang off of that?
Kesshh t1_j49azis wrote
Reply to How do people across the world spend their time and what does this tell us about living conditions? by kraken_enrager
Interesting… do people really get that much sleep?
Kesshh t1_j2yrqrx wrote
Reply to [OC] The most popular websites in every country (excluding Google, YT, FB, other search engines and other inappropriate sites for a more insightful map) by giteam
So the most popular but not really cuz the author decided to censor whatever s/he wants?
In this day and age of extremism driven by internet bubbles, people are still doing it.
Kesshh t1_jeclhdn wrote
Reply to How to stop cold air from coming in through door frame? by jap5531
I suggest taking the door off, removing all the trims, and reframe the door. Cover the exterior, foam seal all the gaps, wrap the exterior, moisture barrier the interior, then drywall interior. Then rehung the door, with added weather stripping. Like what you would have done if you replace the door with one that is bigger or smaller. It’ll be similar steps.