Kevundoe t1_ixqsso8 wrote
Reply to TIL that turkeys can sometimes reproduce asexually, forming near-clones of themselves. by WaryLouka
Or, hear me out, turkey all look alike
Kevundoe t1_ixkc761 wrote
Not the worst performing but there are a few lists about the worst movies that got sequels:
Kevundoe t1_iu2d6d7 wrote
Reply to comment by InoyouS2 in Canada: Quebec separatist party calls for split with British monarchy - BBC News by chemistrynerd1994
Honestly, I’m surprise the rest of Canada is
Kevundoe t1_iu2csvw wrote
Reply to comment by supershutze in Canada: Quebec separatist party calls for split with British monarchy - BBC News by chemistrynerd1994
Yeah I remember 1995… all those confused people roaming the street… is Jean Chretien a separatist? What am I voting for?
Kevundoe t1_ixr5kax wrote
Reply to comment by pobody in TIL that turkeys can sometimes reproduce asexually, forming near-clones of themselves. by WaryLouka
A bit mild compared to the annual genocide