Even without Epstein drives there were the less efficient torch engines which are in the books and came before the Epstein. Humans had access to those engines to colonize Mars and the start of the belt I believe (Finishing up Leviathan Wakes currently). Even today NASA has researched and experimented with NERVA which is a nuclear rocket engine design. They also recently from my knowledge spun that research back up so maybe we will see this new engine in space in the near future.
Khrontek t1_iy8el95 wrote
Reply to comment by Harbinger2001 in How will the space economy alter society? by Gari_305
Even without Epstein drives there were the less efficient torch engines which are in the books and came before the Epstein. Humans had access to those engines to colonize Mars and the start of the belt I believe (Finishing up Leviathan Wakes currently). Even today NASA has researched and experimented with NERVA which is a nuclear rocket engine design. They also recently from my knowledge spun that research back up so maybe we will see this new engine in space in the near future.