KillahInstinct t1_iw94smi wrote
Reply to comment by AromaticIce9 in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
Eh ok forgive me for asking a question, and get that anger management issue checked out
KillahInstinct t1_iw8x6a1 wrote
Reply to comment by AromaticIce9 in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
Some people really don't know there is a whole world outside of the US huh?
KillahInstinct t1_iw8jyv8 wrote
Reply to comment by AromaticIce9 in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
So you are saying it's normal for messages to be randomly dropped? What third world country are you from?
KillahInstinct t1_iw7x1qh wrote
Reply to comment by Ghost17088 in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
Not sure why being down voted for asking a genuine question. I have never had random messages not arriving, except when WhatsApp was down as a whole (but then it isn't random)
KillahInstinct t1_iw726c0 wrote
Reply to comment by Kooky_Canthisitta in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
How are messages not send so often? Is that like an Apple thing?
KillahInstinct t1_iw96zic wrote
Reply to comment by BreDenny in TIFU by informing my SO that I didn't arrive home safely. by floreality
Fair enough. I just never had that in years of Android and knowing that US mostly use IPhone I was left wondering if this was a thing. Thanks for actually explaining a thought I hadn't considered!