KillstardoAbominate t1_jbpptxq wrote
Reply to A good boy by Less-Arachnid2314
Rub that ridiculous goober's belly already damn it!
KillstardoAbominate t1_ja8y2s2 wrote
Reply to comment by Affectionate_Emu7964 in I found a bat in my pool. He’s very much alive. I set him in the sun to dry out away from my dog by Handicapreader
That's 1-3 cases of active infection, at which point it's almost guaranteed fatal. Per the CDC, 30,000-60,000 people require postexposure prophylaxis per year. This is for the US.
KillstardoAbominate t1_ja8x8zx wrote
Reply to comment by Handicapreader in I found a bat in my pool. He’s very much alive. I set him in the sun to dry out away from my dog by Handicapreader
The link you shared shows bats having the second highest number of positive rabies cases. But also, who gives a fuck if the chance of it having rabies is low? If you handled it with no gloves (hell even if you did use gloves imo,) you should talk to your doctor. Rabies is fatal once you start showing symptoms.
For the record, I'm glad you saved it because, as you said, they are an incredibly important part of nature. But that doesn't change anything else I said.
KillstardoAbominate t1_ja8qdlw wrote
Reply to comment by bulboustadpole in I found a bat in my pool. He’s very much alive. I set him in the sun to dry out away from my dog by Handicapreader
> What evidence were you able to gather from a photo of a bat that makes you think it likely has rabies? > >
Simply the fact that it exists and it's a fucking bat. Bats are among the most common animals to have and/or spread rabies. It's pretty fucking simple. If you handle a bat you should probably get the rabies vaccine.
Edit to add:
>I would love to see some numbers on how many rabies vaccines are administered in the US. My guess is not as much as you would think.
According to the CDC, "only" 30,000 - 60,000 people per year receive rabies vaccines for postexposure.
Also, notice in the list of rabies cases, 13 of the 25 were from bats and how some of them occurred without a known bite.
KillstardoAbominate t1_ja8oye8 wrote
Reply to comment by souse03 in I found a bat in my pool. He’s very much alive. I set him in the sun to dry out away from my dog by Handicapreader
>And get that bat tested for rabies while you have the chance
So kill it, immediately after going through the effort of saving it.
KillstardoAbominate t1_j07siw3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in San Antonio's 'shit sandwich cop' working as a police officer again, this time in Floresville by Kw5kvb5ebis
Cops have nothing to do with enforcing employment laws.
KillstardoAbominate t1_iyhmg8k wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in [ Removed by Reddit ] by Repulsive_Pound_714
None, but it is HR's job to tell the employees "too bad the company doesn't have enough money to give out raises this year" or "We can't afford to hire more people for your department." So HR always gets shit on. Ya know, shoot the messenger and all that.
KillstardoAbominate t1_iwdgjml wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate_Fee9685 in How to shuck corn without leaving silk by Billybluejeans
>Then you're not cooking the corn fully
That's you telling me I'm not cooking my corn correctly.
>I said the result is similar to cooking on a grill in foil bc you and the other goblin were here acting as if it was like eating trash.
First of all congrats on devolving to name calling. Second, i never said anything about microwaving and whether it's good or bad (I don't give a shit btw.) All I said was that your are full of shit for claiming that the cooking method is irrelevant because the cooking method doesn't develop flavor.
>Then you're making the assertion it's best just to throw it direct on the grill
Nope, I never said that. I just suggested a way to cook corn that DOES in fact develop flavor.
KillstardoAbominate t1_iwd8b8b wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate_Fee9685 in How to shuck corn without leaving silk by Billybluejeans
> Also what kind of asshole tried to gate keep corn on the cob.
Literally you. You are literally in here telling people they aren't cooking their corn correctly.
KillstardoAbominate t1_iwc2zjj wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate_Fee9685 in How to shuck corn without leaving silk by Billybluejeans
>Also kills the plump juiciness of the corn which is preserved by the steam method.
Absolutely not. It's not like you're charring the whole damn thing (unless you like it burned) it just adds a bit of the grilled flavor, still perfectly crunchy and juicy.
KillstardoAbominate t1_iwbxbhh wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate_Fee9685 in How to shuck corn without leaving silk by Billybluejeans
Here's an idea: Don't fucking wrap it in foil! Slap that MFer right on the grill, get some char on there. You don't need foil on there, all that does is steam it like you said. but if you get some char on it, then you are actually developing some flavor from your heating method.
KillstardoAbominate t1_jeevds3 wrote
Reply to Rainbow Stained Glass by karenheb
You've been banned from Florida