KindAwareness3073 t1_j1i50sw wrote
Reply to comment by The_Critical_Cynic in TIL that Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong apparently filled out and signed customs forms when returning from the moon in 1969. by The_Critical_Cynic
Apollo 15 astronauts tried a little side scam. Didn't work out too well for them....
KindAwareness3073 t1_j1crxh3 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Critical_Cynic in TIL that Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong apparently filled out and signed customs forms when returning from the moon in 1969. by The_Critical_Cynic
That can get you serious jail time,
KindAwareness3073 t1_j1c2rtg wrote
Reply to TIL that Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong apparently filled out and signed customs forms when returning from the moon in 1969. by The_Critical_Cynic
Someone just wanted a souvenir.
KindAwareness3073 t1_j17dhx5 wrote
Reply to comment by TrackFittyTwo in The European Vega-C rocket was lost shortly after lift-off from French Guiana on Tuesday with two Airbus satellites on board by DoremusJessup
They knew. Launched anyway, for political reasons.
KindAwareness3073 t1_j16ay6f wrote
Reply to comment by fabulousmarco in The European Vega-C rocket was lost shortly after lift-off from French Guiana on Tuesday with two Airbus satellites on board by DoremusJessup
Why? Because no launch vehicle is infallible, and the JWT is one of a kind. Not exactly an irrational fear.
KindAwareness3073 t1_j0x7nhy wrote
Reply to comment by WilcoHistBuff in TIL that due to anti-Chinese sentiment in San Francisco in the late 19th century, Levi's jeans briefly held the slogan "The only kind made by white labor" on its logo. by lemming-leader12
Not the avowed meaning, but it was pretty clear to patrons at the time. But certainly true they were "ahead of the curve". In the era few blacks were "front of the house" in any restaurants.
KindAwareness3073 t1_j0wmsqm wrote
Reply to TIL that due to anti-Chinese sentiment in San Francisco in the late 19th century, Levi's jeans briefly held the slogan "The only kind made by white labor" on its logo. by lemming-leader12
Long before Starbucks there was a chain of coffee shop/lunch places called "Chock Full o' Nuts". To allay white racist anxieties because they had black employees, their motto was "Where human hands never touch the food you eat".
Edit: spelling
KindAwareness3073 t1_iz1ylqi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in No more airplane mode? EU to allow calls on flights by linguist96
Do you go out in public? Why do you think civilized people don't have protracted phone conversations in bar, restaurants, museums? Why do people on buses and subways yammering on their phones get confronted? If you think hard about it I bet you'll see there's a fundamental difference.
KindAwareness3073 t1_iyzq03n wrote
Reply to comment by SnakeTheFox in No more airplane mode? EU to allow calls on flights by linguist96
"Wait until you hear what she said about him!"
KindAwareness3073 t1_iyyy32x wrote
No. No. No. I do not want to listen to one side of your morononic conversation for the next three hours.
KindAwareness3073 t1_iy9oj5k wrote
Reply to comment by DaveOJ12 in TIL That the deadliest loss for the British in the American Revolutionary War was in Nicaragua. by Front-Insurance9577
There are two kinds of people: those who don't read every link posted, and liars.
KindAwareness3073 t1_iy9o67f wrote
Reply to comment by Front-Insurance9577 in TIL That the deadliest loss for the British in the American Revolutionary War was in Nicaragua. by Front-Insurance9577
Joined the war as an ally of France who did the heavy lifting. Sideshow at most. Far more a part of Europe's endless 18th century conflicts. I still see it as clickbait, but you get an opinion.
KindAwareness3073 t1_iy9go1b wrote
Reply to comment by jamieliddellthepoet in TIL That the deadliest loss for the British in the American Revolutionary War was in Nicaragua. by Front-Insurance9577
Read it. That battle had nothing to do with the American Revolution. Britain v. Spain. Total clickbait.
Brits should have sent young Nelson to blockade Yorktown.
KindAwareness3073 t1_iy92cqf wrote
Reply to TIL That the deadliest loss for the British in the American Revolutionary War was in Nicaragua. by Front-Insurance9577
Saved you a click: 2500 dead, most from yellow fever.
KindAwareness3073 t1_ixypbt3 wrote
Reply to TIL Kola Coca was developed in Spain in 1880. A year after Kola Coca won an award in the US, Coca-Cola was introduced. by ElJamoquio
Totally different beverages only sharing similar sounding names.
KindAwareness3073 t1_iwem3pw wrote
Reply to TIL that the civilian sailors of the U.S. Merchant Marine had a higher casualty rate during World War II than any branch of the armed forces. by p38-lightning
My uncle was in the merchant marine bringing oil up the East Coast from refineries in the Carribean. He told me they were easy targets for German U-boats.
KindAwareness3073 t1_itks89n wrote
Reply to comment by torchictoucher in TIL that the famous author Thomas Pynchon has avoided publicity during his fifty-year career to the point that almost all known photos of him are from the 1950s. However, he voiced himself in two episodes of The Simpsons, where his dialogue consisted entirely of puns on the titles of his books. by IHad360K_KarmaDammit
And you think that's a coincidence? Sir, this is Reddit.
KindAwareness3073 t1_itakhnw wrote
Reply to comment by HighDagger in NASA outlines case for making sole-source SLS award to Boeing-Northrop joint venture by jeffsmith202
Don't forget, their "objectives" are pointless.
KindAwareness3073 t1_issacg3 wrote
Reply to NASA outlines case for making sole-source SLS award to Boeing-Northrop joint venture by jeffsmith202
It's a congressionally mandated pork-barrel jobs program, not a space program.
KindAwareness3073 t1_irccmq8 wrote
Reply to TIL that among the thousands of fans who were in attendance for the Beatles iconic Shea Stadium Concert were Linda Eastman and Barbara Bach. Linda would later marry Paul McCartney in 1969, and Barbara would go on to marry Ringo Starr in 1981. by FranklinDRoosevelt32
They must have really liked the show...
KindAwareness3073 t1_j23nz67 wrote
Reply to TIL, Before 1915, French Soldiers didn't have the right to be buried individually by PeperoniMaestro
Basically telling them "You are mere cannon fodder, accept it."