KindKill267 t1_j6fnmgw wrote
Reply to comment by defusted in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
If you're not registering a car or buying gas you're probably not.
KindKill267 t1_j66gjcv wrote
Reply to They’re here. Are the snow geese at Middle Creek early or were they already close by? - by tukekairo
I was hunting ducks there in late Dec and saw 2 big Flocka of snow geese.
KindKill267 t1_j5ey67j wrote
Reply to My entry into the pool of mental maps. A friend made it but won't post it because he's a coward. by gffishdragon
Franklin county is hardly dragons Territory. Outside of Cumberland valley it can get rural quick but it's population has grown a lot in the last 15 years.
KindKill267 t1_j48of3n wrote
Reply to comment by emeraldjalapeno in Hunter won’t face charges for killing dog in Berks County by narkj
Depends on the distance. At 100 yards it's very hard to tell size difference in animals especially 20lbs. If they are cutting through the woods it's even harder. For deer I use their face and snout size, bears you can use the ears, not sure about coyotes.
KindKill267 OP t1_j3qutnt wrote
Reply to comment by artificialavocado in Does anyone have any knowledge on the HOA communities in the Poconos? by KindKill267
It's the best. My main goal in life is to camp at everyone and fill out my passport!
KindKill267 OP t1_j3qs08f wrote
Reply to comment by Bobbo_lito in Does anyone have any knowledge on the HOA communities in the Poconos? by KindKill267
KindKill267 OP t1_j3qry58 wrote
Reply to comment by artificialavocado in Does anyone have any knowledge on the HOA communities in the Poconos? by KindKill267
I live in Cumberland county so not really interested in driving over 3 hours to get somewhere. I'm in it for the boating. We were looking at raystown lake because it's closer to us but feel outside of raystown lake there isn't much besides Huntingdon.
Personal sidenote, what we have been doing is camping at all of PA's awesome state parks and taking my smaller boat with us to use on the smaller lakes. I feel this is the way but my wife and kids want something more permanent I guess. That and winter camping is never fun haha.
KindKill267 OP t1_j3p7hmf wrote
Reply to comment by Lost_Information_607 in Does anyone have any knowledge on the HOA communities in the Poconos? by KindKill267
Just looking for something decent around 250-300k nothing crazy. The big draw for me is the lake. We have 2 small children so if there's stuff for the kids to do while not out on the water that's a plus.
KindKill267 OP t1_j3ntry4 wrote
Reply to comment by spicynuggies in Does anyone have any knowledge on the HOA communities in the Poconos? by KindKill267
How so?
Submitted by KindKill267 t3_107p0be in Pennsylvania
KindKill267 t1_j1wvl1h wrote
Reply to comment by ronreadingpa in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Because if I were to be stabbed, I would be extra upset that it was a fully automatic switchblade.
KindKill267 t1_j1sgw8p wrote
Shippensburg. I got my MBA at ship. I thought it was a good program. They almost had a doctorate program business also but COVID killed it.
KindKill267 t1_j0o2cgq wrote
Reply to Winter driving in PA all seasons vs Snow tires. What do you have and why? by RemoteStatement
Studded snow tires.
KindKill267 t1_iyaldms wrote
Reply to comment by Agent-Pierce- in New Pa. law increases penalties for repeat DUI offenses by t800x
Yeah but it was the person's second DUI but it was 11 years after the first one so it got treated like a first offense. Probably should have explained that better.
KindKill267 t1_iyal6fe wrote
Reply to comment by hypotenoos in New Pa. law increases penalties for repeat DUI offenses by t800x
Yeah .26 my bad
KindKill267 t1_iyabtlg wrote
They should do away with the 10 year rule. To many people just don't get caught in that time period then they get a second one after the 10 years has lapsed and their second DUI gets another slap on a wrist. Know someone who wrecked a car, blew a .026 and it was just ard, 60 day loss of license, and 1 year probation.
KindKill267 t1_ixxqhia wrote
Reply to comment by Borg_10501 in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Personally I have no issues killing an animal. Have you ever watched another animal eat another animal? Zero emotion.
Wolf attacks are rare because wolves are rare and are only populated in pretty much wilderness areas out west. In PA with our super high population densities they would have to be all over the state iot control deer populations. There would be a much higher conflict rate if there were wolves in central PA. Wolves could easily hop a fence and kill your dog.
I agree with you on the farming aspect. Large corporate farms and monocrop agriculture is highly destructive and gross with all of the chemicals in use. But you have to feed the people because no one can apparently grow a garden and learn to can anymore.
KindKill267 t1_ixxajng wrote
Reply to comment by Borg_10501 in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Haha your idea of reintroducing natural predators is so far out of the realm of what would be sustainable for the ecosystem it's laughable. If big cats and wolves were brought back to PA the amount of livestock and pets killed would be staggering. Not to mention the human attacks.
KindKill267 t1_ixx0szv wrote
Reply to comment by Borg_10501 in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Fuck yeah man let's reintroduce wolves in PA also. I want to trap one of those!!!
KindKill267 t1_ixwzwrh wrote
Reply to comment by scotticusphd in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Tactical grips are the real killers...
KindKill267 t1_ixvlpoh wrote
Reply to comment by BeatsMeByDre in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Because their tasty and healthy. Deer is far superior to any beef you but at the grocery store. Me shooting a deer is far cleaner death than getting eaten or starving to death. Someone has to manage the herd, if hunters don't the govt will and dispose of the animals.
KindKill267 t1_ixvlf81 wrote
Reply to comment by rootsdork in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Take the safety course, learn to shoot, and go out and sit in the woods. Learn how deer live, sleep, eat and learn thier patterns in their habitat.
KindKill267 t1_ixv3kiz wrote
Reply to comment by Bocephus8892 in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Yeah your dead wrong on that. You can't sell any Wild game meat in PA. There are specific restrictions on even selling antlers and permits are needed. Generally speaking the state owns all of the deer until you hit one with a car. Then they're not liable haha.
But seriously the PGC takes selling of wild game pretty seriously.
KindKill267 t1_ixalmy1 wrote
Reply to comment by cigarmanpa in New car failed inspection. Was pressured to pay about $1k in repairs to pass. I took my car to the dealership instead and it passed inspection by mandyaffogato
Thanks for your highly valued input! Have a nice day and try not to wreck your every boomers midlife crisis dream car.
KindKill267 t1_j6fu3ls wrote
Reply to comment by defusted in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
Penndot is the road state agency, the bulk of their funding comes from gas taxes and federal funding.