
OP t1_j5vjurt wrote

We don’t know where we will go I work remote but wife does not and family is down here as well sooooo the travel will cause us most likely to not go to those areas. But we do have everything else and depending on the house most likely we’ll probably do less than 20% holding money for repairs that could cost us at least 30K


OP t1_j5tdrzq wrote

This is to be fair the only time I’ve heard of a good reason to not buy.

But for the most part if I don’t buy now, when I buy when everyone says it’s a good time to buy I’ll have to bid against 4 different people again. At least in this market people are taking at offer price or less or simply dropping their asking price.

But because of how terrible inventory is and the pricing I might wait at this point. If prices fall great but houses tend to appreciate if only by a little lol I’d feel more confident if a bunch of good neighborhoods sold their house 2/3rds less than comps in the area I’d love that so that it can just reset prices all around.


OP t1_j5tcpiz wrote

Aha right now it’s my spouse and her mom that are for the most part set on Waterford. it’s tough but if we can find a decent house in a good location sell it in like 5-10 years we can use the equity we built and or money we’d make selling to get a house in new london county or wherever else. That’s my thought process right now


OP t1_j5tbis9 wrote

Location really isn’t a bother for me I’d possibly move out of CT given the chance. My wife though would rather stay somewhere in new london county 90% set on Waterford, 10% on Groton or Montville / 😅 so kinda stuck here lol but getting a house under 300k in Waterford without problems seems like a lottery ticket winning


OP t1_j5sxqzo wrote

I fell asleep after posting this but happy I got a lot of comments. Thank you everyone for your comments, although I dislike how expensive things are this at least gives me a frame of mind of at least what I possibly can or can’t do because of it. Again I appreciate it!