KingKoopaBrowser t1_jcrcl9j wrote
So you know how sometimes you look at old photos and someone looks JUST like Keanu Reeves. Or someone talks in the same way. Or someone has similar hobbies?
These are all little pieces of what makes you - you.
Not in any kind of magical thinking of reincarnation or anything.
The whole “nothing really matters because there’s no authority on what “matters” beyond what we decide. It’s freeing.
KingKoopaBrowser t1_jcteivr wrote
Reply to comment by brooke512744 in [discussion] What helps you combat the “I’m wasting my life” mentality? by brooke512744
Yeah it’s hard. There’s no book no stone tablet that says “Jane is destined to do X”.
So you have to make your own path and it’s up to you to use your best judgement about what makes you happy and what you can tolerate.
So the pieces of me idea gives you a bit of a break.