Kissfan07 t1_iryrjys wrote
Reply to comment by stuartroelke in Getting Paid Lunches in MA by stuartroelke
You’re hopeless. Start your own business and do what you want. There is absolutely no pleasing people like you.
Kissfan07 t1_iryc2fg wrote
Reply to comment by stuartroelke in Getting Paid Lunches in MA by stuartroelke
But if they said you could leave an hour early if you skipped lunch, would you still need that hour to “remain effective”, or could you power through so that you could enjoy an extra hour at the end of the day? I’m willing to bet you would make it. An hour lunch break is a time you’re not working, and you can spend it as you choose. Nobody should be paying for an employee to sit around.
Kissfan07 t1_is0o9sl wrote
Reply to comment by stuartroelke in Getting Paid Lunches in MA by stuartroelke
Your arguments are bull shit. You’re telling me the hour isn’t free time. It is. Just because you can’t catch a movie, or mow your lawn in that hour, doesn’t mean it’s worthless. I do t eat lunch, so I sit around. You eat, so you expect to be paid because somehow that’s a “right”.