
Kixeliz t1_j29l5n8 wrote

Yup, McDonald's tried to pull some shenanigans with its oatmeal a decade ago, claimed maple without actually supplying anything with maple syrup in it. Franchise owners, not corporate, had to foot the bill to supply real maple sugar, because capitalism.


Kixeliz t1_j1znykv wrote

How about an IT director who refused to implement new security measures so hackers got the personal info of thousands of people?

Or a utility clerk who is accused of stealing $150,000 from a city?

Or a city manager accused of stealing from a local business?

Idk why people act like paid leave is some benefit or luxury only certain people get when it's standard HR procedure these days. You put the person on leave so they can't potentially keep doing what they are accused of, but they still get paid in case the allegations are proven false so they can't sue you later.


Kixeliz t1_j1qzk24 wrote

Reply to comment by Sexcercise in A lonely holiday by Sexcercise

Speaking of which, if you like Skyrim you'll probably love Elder Scrolls Morrowind if you haven't played that yet. It's my favorite of the series. You can do pretty much whatever you like, little hand holding and so many different directions you could go. The first open world where it truly felt open.


Kixeliz t1_j1qydg9 wrote

Reply to comment by Sexcercise in A lonely holiday by Sexcercise

Have you tried any of the Fallout games? Particularly Fallout 3 and New Vegas are great time sucks. RPG elements with some choose your own adventure set in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Fun times.


Kixeliz t1_ivpyri2 wrote

Yea, he's a business-first republican, has been from the jump. But he voted for Biden, so please ignore all the deaths and hospitalizations we saw from COVID after he lifted restrictions because businesses were complaining. Dragged his feet on legalizing marijuana, vetoed one bill, delayed appointments to the CCB, cost the state money, but he's so fiscally conservative. He will say whatever to cover his political shenanigans and voters eat it up. Frustrating.


Kixeliz t1_iv29fdq wrote

here's the Dept. of Health's recap. While tritium alone may not be harmful in small doses, that it was leaking radioactive matieral was an issue.

> On February 14, the major source of the leak was found. A pair of stream pipes in the PDF icon Advance Off-Gas (AOG) pipe tunnel were found to be badly corroded and leaking nuclear steam. The floor drain of this concrete tunnel was found to be clogged with construction debris and mud, which caused condensate from the steam pipes to pool inside the tunnel and leak out at a failed joint.

Seems a tad problematic, no?


Kixeliz t1_iv1mi2y wrote

And it turned out those accusations were 100% accurate. Don't be mad because you're so easy to read. And you would have been great during the civil rights movement. "I know it sucks to sit in the back of the bus, but that's the law." The whole concept of civil disobedience is completely foreign to you. Glad you're sedated again.


Kixeliz t1_iv1g2gk wrote

Because you don't seem to understand the concept of people creating laws for the expressed purpose of making the lives of others worse. Like those old weed laws. You seem to grasp they used to be worse, but can't comprehend why they were changed? Do you believe every politician is working on laws with only the best of intentions? That it's not possible for a certain party to take control of the legislative body and put out laws that solely benefit that party? All of this is foreign to you?

Though I do enjoy your "live and let live" philosophy while calling others cunts.


Kixeliz t1_iv0qx2d wrote

Lol, the GOP is actively working to take votes away from people. They just celebrated a successful effort to stop Pennsylvania from counting ballots if there is an issue with the date on the ballot.

> Undated and incorrectly dated ballots have been at the center of a years-long legal fight in Pennsylvania. State law requires that voters date their ballots, even though state law also specifies that ballots must be received by election officials by the close of polls for them to count. That means the date when they are cast has no bearing on whether they’re counted.

Has nothing to do with fraud or protecting elections. Everything to do with suppressing the vote of their opponent. Which memo did you get your talking points from?


Kixeliz t1_iuj4sdy wrote

Nah, the ones who seem to be the most against it are hunters or wolf lovers who refuse to think they'd lower themselves to breeding with coyotes. Just my observation. It is weird how the reason the eastern coyote/coywolf exists is specifically because we hunted wolves to extinction, making breeding with coyotes about survival. We both hunted them to extinction and domesticated them and now argue over their percentage of DNA.


Kixeliz t1_iuize9h wrote

The thinking is the numbers are so much smaller for wolves in this part of the world that the wolves end up with coyotes more often. The numbers change with every animal, cause that's how breeding works, but the DNA shows what we see around here is a hybrid of the two (and even some domesticated dog mixed in). Apparently their common ancestor was only 50,000 years ago so they can breed together easily. For some reason this doesn't sit well with people who want the two animals separated. idk if it's because killing coyotes is more acceptable than shooting something part wolf or the associations we have with both animals or what.


Kixeliz t1_iud7v2s wrote

Update: He's now stating this story, based on public comments he made, is a "farce of a story about my so-called campaign finance violations." Which in the very first tweet in the thread he also admits were "inadvertent." Well if the violations were inadvertent, they wouldn't be "so-called"? States there's nothing saying a 3 year old can't consent to give money to a campaign, and think that's a solid defense. The story is so baseless in fact, that he felt the need to draft a letter to the FEC stating just how baseless the accusations are while also including in the letter that Balint got PAC money like the FEC will give a shit?? This man won a major party nomination for a seat in Congress. Oh and he's also bickering with people criticizing him on Twitter. You really can't make this up.


Kixeliz t1_iuaxixd wrote

He doesn't appear to understand consent and how kids can't give it.

> I gave $ to my son: legal. Asked him to support my campaign: legal. My wife and I gave our own $: legal. All within legal limits. All so they'd let me debate. My wife's biz is sole proprietorship, not Corp, meaning, it's our $, not a corp. Meanwhile Balint gets $1.7MM from lobby.

His son was born in 2019.