
Kixeliz t1_istxl9p wrote

> He ran as a Republican because he knew he had no shot as a Democrat. Promised to ditch the Republicans if he actually got the nomination, then forgot to actually register as an independent so he had to keep the nomination.

What about this sequence of events, which he has admitted took place, doesn't strike you as a political stunt? This is someone we should trust to be a public servant? The guy who apparently isn't all too concerned with deadlines and getting proper paperwork filed? Is this one of those situations where everyone and their brother can see the sky is blue, but you need it in writing to believe it?


Kixeliz t1_isthcq1 wrote

He ran as a Republican because he knew he had no shot as a Democrat. Promised to ditch the Republicans if he actually got the nomination, then forgot to actually register as an independent so he had to keep the nomination. His whole campaign is a political stunt and some "I'll game the system for my benefit" bullshit. Wouldn't surprise me if he knew he'd have a better shot at the Republican nomination because he's a dude running against women.


Kixeliz t1_ist7vnk wrote

The guy who ran as a Republican for the laughs is the grounded one? The guy who only won because right wingers are so misogynistic they refused to vote for actual Republicans who happened to also have a vagina?

He might make a great politician, but this stunt to get his name out there soured me on taking him seriously, as he doesn't appear to take any of this seriously. That, and he talks about "pre-fetal-viability" when it comes to abortion, as in he thinks there is a point where the state should step in and make a woman's medical choices for her. That at some point during the pregnancy, the fetus takes priority over the mother. "Grounded" my ass. Here's a quote from his campaign website, "Like almost everyone, I am repulsed by the idea of a 9 month pregnancy being aborted for trivial or heartless reasons." Fuck this guy and his anti-abortion talking points.