KmartQuality t1_j1w85om wrote
Reply to TIL that the Curiosity rover, currently on Mars, is 10 feet long and 7 feet tall, "about the size of a small SUV." by DukeMaximum
About as big as a Yugo, and about as fast.
KmartQuality t1_j1w5e5g wrote
Reply to comment by Hot_Sentence_7002 in Battery swapping spurs Kenya's electric motorbike drive by For_All_Humanity
This is only useful for large vehicle end-of-life battery changes. You wouldn't do this like a pit stop.
A moped sized bike can be changed like a pit stop, however. For people that ride A LOT and possibly don't have a safe garage to charge up, this is a good choice.
KmartQuality t1_j1w4tex wrote
Reply to comment by T-Rex_timeout in Battery swapping spurs Kenya's electric motorbike drive by For_All_Humanity
I think it only works economically if the battery packs are rented by the day. Propane tanks are empty vessels when the energy is used up. Battery packs are still just as valuable while they sit around doing nothing.
If you are a single user and ride your bike all the time then this is a once/day expense, just like adding petrol, and very cost effecient. But if you are a more casual user I think this would not be cost effective. You would have to pay for the battery every day it is not returned.
KmartQuality t1_j1tmk1d wrote
Reply to comment by twintig5 in [OC] North American cities by number of major sports championships (Updated December 2022) by twintig5
SF and Oakland should not be together.
KmartQuality t1_j1tmh6s wrote
Reply to [OC] North American cities by number of major sports championships (Updated December 2022) by twintig5
Where's Oakland? Oakland has had a couple baseball dynasties, the warriors were winning there, two NFL championships.
KmartQuality t1_j1nfb09 wrote
Reply to comment by Roboticpoultry in In Hokkaido, Japan's winter months, harmless underwater algae balls are protected from death by an ice shield. That shield is expected to thin thanks to global warming, causing the balls to join the list of species threatened by climate change. by MistWeaver80
I speak for the internet by saying we want to see your fish mess with Marino moss balls.
KmartQuality t1_j1mrfh9 wrote
Reply to Universal studios 1992 by Capital_Trash8966
I can't imagine the price of taking 5 kids in 2022. The good thing back then is you could just let them run off and meet back at the lockers at 5. No phones, "don't get into trouble. Here's $10 for you and your sister."
KmartQuality t1_j1mnix5 wrote
Reply to comment by ThoraciusAppotite in In Hokkaido, Japan's winter months, harmless underwater algae balls are protected from death by an ice shield. That shield is expected to thin thanks to global warming, causing the balls to join the list of species threatened by climate change. by MistWeaver80
Sounds about par for the course.
KmartQuality t1_j1mnezw wrote
Reply to comment by Roboticpoultry in In Hokkaido, Japan's winter months, harmless underwater algae balls are protected from death by an ice shield. That shield is expected to thin thanks to global warming, causing the balls to join the list of species threatened by climate change. by MistWeaver80
You should post pictures. Do yours go up and down?
KmartQuality t1_j1eoe49 wrote
Reply to comment by Madhavaz in TIL that DMVs in the US are allowed to sell some of your personal information and do. This practice is legal under federal law. For example, Florida’s DMV made $77 million and California’s DMV made $52 million in 2017 through this practice alone. by TheKeyboardKid
" Other companies incorporate the information into their comprehensive dossiers on almost all Americans (one leader in the field, Acxiom, recently said it would allow consumers to see their individual dossiers for the first time from the end of the summer)."
Is there any movement on this offer?
KmartQuality t1_j1emfan wrote
Reply to comment by alwaysaloneguy in TIL that DMVs in the US are allowed to sell some of your personal information and do. This practice is legal under federal law. For example, Florida’s DMV made $77 million and California’s DMV made $52 million in 2017 through this practice alone. by TheKeyboardKid
Every Walmart sends many gigabytes of purchasing data back to HQ every day.
KmartQuality t1_j1em8a3 wrote
Reply to comment by -DementedAvenger- in TIL that DMVs in the US are allowed to sell some of your personal information and do. This practice is legal under federal law. For example, Florida’s DMV made $77 million and California’s DMV made $52 million in 2017 through this practice alone. by TheKeyboardKid
I used to use 510-the-scam (510-843-7226). 510 because it was the HQ area code for Safeway, and I had friends that worked for corporate.
Because so many people used it you would get all sorts of extra discounts. You never knew if you'd get a free sandwich at the deli. It was fun. Eventually they shut that number down.
KmartQuality t1_j1cqh1b wrote
Reply to comment by A40 in Mars' ancient atmosphere may not have had much oxygen after all by pecika
I expect hydrogen sulfide, lots of carbon dioxide and a good dose of xenon.
KmartQuality t1_j13iolu wrote
Reply to comment by jokes_on_you in TIL in 1968 the state of Florida began to build a gigantic airport for supersonic jets in the Florida Everglades but was stopped by an environmental coalition after a federal report found the project would “inexorably destroy the south Florida ecosystem” and the Everglades by MustacheEmperor
Everyone knows DC is hot and humid as fuck.
KmartQuality t1_j0ifeg6 wrote
Reply to comment by Godzukiwins in Satellite imagery reveals that wild African elephants choose paths leading directly to their favourite food by thebelsnickle1991
I drive miles around in the hope of not waiting at a light just so I can get my in-and-out with the least about of still time.
KmartQuality t1_j0if5km wrote
Reply to comment by xXSpaceturdXx in Satellite imagery reveals that wild African elephants choose paths leading directly to their favourite food by thebelsnickle1991
Am I alone in the animal kingdom who saves the best ones for last?
KmartQuality t1_j0iezfh wrote
Reply to comment by nyxnars in Satellite imagery reveals that wild African elephants choose paths leading directly to their favourite food by thebelsnickle1991
I would like to learn more about migratory animal culinary habits.
KmartQuality t1_j0ietb8 wrote
Reply to Satellite imagery reveals that wild African elephants choose paths leading directly to their favourite food by thebelsnickle1991
Do they stand at the edge of the Grove of Delicious Thorn Trees and state blankly until they decide nothing looks good anyway then go watch Jeopardy?
KmartQuality t1_j00nvmq wrote
I've never been to a Dunkin donuts.
Also, the colorful dota are too big.
KmartQuality t1_izhk1x0 wrote
Maybe this is more appropriate to ELI5?
These are very good questions and deserve a LOT of study.
KmartQuality t1_iy79r1s wrote
Are people not buying anything else besides Taylor Swift?
KmartQuality t1_iy0xcnk wrote
Reply to comment by felixrocket7835 in You see more suns at night than in the daytime. by ParticleDetector
It's has never been uttered realistically that way because nobody has ever been close to another star.
But it makes perfect sense in science fiction
KmartQuality t1_iy0uzll wrote
Reply to comment by felixrocket7835 in You see more suns at night than in the daytime. by ParticleDetector
Whatever planet you ate orbiting is "the sun".
If you find yourself in interstellar space or around another star you could refer to the sun as "my sun/star" or "our sun/star".
KmartQuality t1_ixpep30 wrote
Reply to comment by beebeezing in It can get hairy. by Direct_Conclusion_40
I go outside in the backyard with a big bowl of warm water when nobody is home.
KmartQuality t1_j1wais7 wrote
Reply to comment by Cripelter_Walknone in [OC] North American cities by number of major sports championships (Updated December 2022) by twintig5
Yeah. And by OPs logic, SF gets the As rings from the 70s and 90s.
As for San Jose, you get NOTHING!