Kodiak01 OP t1_iu59zxx wrote
Reply to comment by Screaming_brain in Just finished filling out my absentee ballot by Kodiak01
Do you spend half an hour googling candidates at the voting booth?
Kodiak01 t1_iu126c2 wrote
Reply to comment by Prestigious_Bobcat29 in Relocating to CT but working in MA. by J_Bro00
MA refers to theirs as an Excise tax. Their formula is also much simpler than CT.
Here is how MA figures their auto tax:
Tax is $25 per $1000 valuation. Valuation is based off a percentage of MSRP, a figure which stays static for the life of the vehicle. (Note this is MSRP, NOT the actual purchase price of the vehicle)
Prior to current model year (2023 vehicle in 2022): 50%
Current model year: 90%
2nd year: 60%
3rd year: 40%
4th year: 25%
5th year and older: 10%
Kodiak01 t1_iu118k5 wrote
Reply to Relocating to CT but working in MA. by J_Bro00
Pay full tax in MA. File MA taxes first, you will need the total tax payment to use as a credit against your CT taxes.
CT has a higher income tax rate than MA, so budget for the extra you are likely going to pay. Myself, I just take a few extra $ a week with my MA taxes, then use the "refund" from that to pay whatever I owe CT.
Do you rent? Once you move to MA, you will lose the ability to take the $3000 AGI deduction for rental payments off your MA taxes
Vehicle property taxes are more complicated and variable than MA auto excise tax. It is based on the current value of the vehicle as opposed to MA excise being a percentage of MSRP by age which stays static. They are typically due in July, billed by the town.
Kodiak01 t1_itr59ki wrote
Reply to comment by DungareeManSkedaddle in New Poll Shows Lamont Up 11 Points by NewsHugh
And going to lose by 20 points in November.
Kodiak01 t1_itnr6t4 wrote
Reply to comment by iateyourbees in Haunted Trolley at Shoreline Trolley Museum in East Haven by shannonapproved
The Haunted Mansion is brand new this year, only a few $ more to get in. Betting it's pretty good.
Kodiak01 t1_itm88e8 wrote
Reply to comment by globalwarninglabel in Police dogs in Bradley security by in_the_woods
Just for the record, they did find the weed when I stood in the center of the dock, 50' from any cargo, with it shoved into my back pocket.
Kodiak01 t1_itm4uea wrote
Reply to Police dogs in Bradley security by in_the_woods
I worked on the freight docks at BDL from 1995-2005. They used to bring the different dogs over for us to assist in training. Depending on the specific dog, they would hand us either a bag of weed, a vial of coke/crack (I never asked) or a hockey puck-sized piece of C4. We would hide them in the air freight while they waited in another room, then they'd do their search.
Only once in all those years did I ever manage to beat them. They ended up bringing 3 different drug dogs in, and none could find the weed even when I narrowed it down to the pallet it was hidden in.
Apparently some drug dogs have a bit of trouble smelling weed in a pallet of poinsettias...
Kodiak01 t1_itlzcs4 wrote
The CT Trolley Museum in E Windsor runs several Halloween-themed events. They include a ride to a pumpkin patch for the kids, Rails To The Darkside for the nighttime spooky ride (16+), and a Haunted Mansion that tones things down for the kids during the day, then becomes Rated R at night.
A family friend has been a volunteer there for many years, they all take a lot of pride in the place.
Kodiak01 t1_it7irxv wrote
Reply to CT children’s hospitals consider calling National Guard for overflowing patients with respiratory illnesses by zeaqqk
If it's requiring hospitalization, there are likely comorbidities in play given how prevalent RSV actually is.
>Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infects the lungs and breathing passages, and, in the United States, nearly all children have been infected with RSV by age two. In healthy people, symptoms of RSV infection are usually mild and resolve within a week. However, RSV can cause serious illness or death in vulnerable individuals, including premature and very young infants, children with chronic lung disease or congenital heart disease, and people who are over age 65.
Wouldn't be surprised if many of those being hospitalized also had covid at some point.
Kodiak01 OP t1_isyxkur wrote
Reply to comment by Stateberg in Hadley woman accused of releasing bees on police serving eviction notice by Kodiak01
Florida Man disagrees with you.
Kodiak01 OP t1_isywszx wrote
Reply to comment by Stateberg in Hadley woman accused of releasing bees on police serving eviction notice by Kodiak01
MA isn't even close.
Kodiak01 OP t1_isywijo wrote
Reply to comment by Stateberg in Hadley woman accused of releasing bees on police serving eviction notice by Kodiak01
Having spent portions of time the past several years in FL (Palm Beach County, both the uppity and COPS sections), MA doesn't even begin to hold a candle to the insanity that occurs in DeStupid Land.
Kodiak01 OP t1_isyrigp wrote
Reply to comment by J_Worldpeace in Hadley woman accused of releasing bees on police serving eviction notice by Kodiak01
Even though I now live in CT (first 40yrs in western MA), I'm one of those people that always mows the lawn high to let the white clover proliferate. This past year there seemed to be a lot more people following pollinator yard maintenance plans this year as well.
Kodiak01 OP t1_isyo4q2 wrote
Reply to comment by United-Hyena-164 in Hadley woman accused of releasing bees on police serving eviction notice by Kodiak01
I'd expect it to be more of an Otis/Huntington/Chesterfield thing though.
Kodiak01 t1_isv6hw4 wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzled_Telephone852 in Package Stores by Automatic-Ear9267
You don't need a membership to buy liquor at Costco in CT.
Kodiak01 t1_isu1ek1 wrote
In Tolland county and like it. Windham is a hard no, too many whackadoodles for this classic New England Republican.
Kodiak01 t1_isu1161 wrote
Reply to Vernon rails to trails dogs by theplayerofxx
This is why I'll sometimes do Sunday morning walks at Evergreen instead, particularly in the hour or two before most stores open. There are lots of puppies out being walked yet not much vehicle traffic.
This past Sunday morning I came across an older couple with a beautiful Goldie. I asked politely if it was ok to approach for pettings and the woman said it would make the Goldie's day! Such a sweet animal. You're a really good girl, Penny!
Kodiak01 t1_ist1kl3 wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in 10-year-old boy attacked by black bear at grandparent's Connecticut home by IndicationOver
Well, there is one...
I have been given that nickname independently by 3 people in three different decades, none of which knew each other. Something having to do with my general temperament. On the other hand, when I run I look like a reject from the Special Olympics...
Kodiak01 t1_issiy0d wrote
Reply to comment by Illustratedbytony in 10-year-old boy attacked by black bear at grandparent's Connecticut home by IndicationOver
Kodiaks are brown bears. You really don't want to do any of the above with a brown bear. For brown bears (which are characterized by a large muscular hump on the upper back, you DO want to play dead.
If you have a backpack, leave it on. Lie on your stomach with your hands clasped behind your neck. Spread your legs wide to make it as hard as possible for the bear to turn you over. Stay in this position for at least 20 minutes after you believe the bear to be gone.
Whatever you do, do NOT run. Brown bears can reach speeds of up to 35mph; you'll only die tired.
Kodiak01 t1_isptpd2 wrote
If you encounter a black bear and can not safely and calmly remove yourself and others to safety, here is what you do:
Face the bear directly. Do not approach or run.
Make yourself look as large and imposing as possible. If you have anything large to wave around to make yourself look bigger, don't hesitate to use it.
Make yourself LOUD. Yell at the bear forcefully. Have noisy things to bang together, go to town with them.
In the rare case that a black bear does attack, do not play dead! They'll maul you to death. You need to fight back. Aim for the eyes, throat and genitals. Just like a street fight, there are NO rules.
Kodiak01 t1_isersw3 wrote
Reply to comment by CalligrapherDizzy201 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
Why are you so against people having alternative options when casting their vote?
One has to wonder if you're even old enough to have ever voted for something other than 7th grade class president...
Kodiak01 t1_iseptjp wrote
Reply to comment by CalligrapherDizzy201 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
It is my normal schedule, and I work out of State. I am the first one in and the last one out on Tuesdays. This is why I cast absentee ballots.
The town clerk's office is open until 7PM on Thursdays. Instead of requesting a ballot by mail, I now show up in person and fill out my ballot on the spot after work that day.
Kodiak01 t1_iscclcu wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
The town hall is not a polling place. They literally wanted it just inside the door, in the main hallway. People sued because there wasn't 24/7 access.
Kodiak01 t1_isc5g63 wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
> you realize if someone wanted to tamper with things they damage the box somehow
Vernon tried putting their box inside the town hall so it could be protected and got sued for it...
Kodiak01 OP t1_iu5a3rz wrote
Reply to comment by Afraid-Pattern4478 in Just finished filling out my absentee ballot by Kodiak01
Thank you for demonstrating the exact type of close-minded kookiness that party-line voting brings out. I pity you for being so hateful and emotionally empty.