Kodiak01 t1_issiy0d wrote
Reply to comment by Illustratedbytony in 10-year-old boy attacked by black bear at grandparent's Connecticut home by IndicationOver
Kodiaks are brown bears. You really don't want to do any of the above with a brown bear. For brown bears (which are characterized by a large muscular hump on the upper back, you DO want to play dead.
If you have a backpack, leave it on. Lie on your stomach with your hands clasped behind your neck. Spread your legs wide to make it as hard as possible for the bear to turn you over. Stay in this position for at least 20 minutes after you believe the bear to be gone.
Whatever you do, do NOT run. Brown bears can reach speeds of up to 35mph; you'll only die tired.
Kodiak01 t1_isptpd2 wrote
If you encounter a black bear and can not safely and calmly remove yourself and others to safety, here is what you do:
Face the bear directly. Do not approach or run.
Make yourself look as large and imposing as possible. If you have anything large to wave around to make yourself look bigger, don't hesitate to use it.
Make yourself LOUD. Yell at the bear forcefully. Have noisy things to bang together, go to town with them.
In the rare case that a black bear does attack, do not play dead! They'll maul you to death. You need to fight back. Aim for the eyes, throat and genitals. Just like a street fight, there are NO rules.
Kodiak01 t1_isersw3 wrote
Reply to comment by CalligrapherDizzy201 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
Why are you so against people having alternative options when casting their vote?
One has to wonder if you're even old enough to have ever voted for something other than 7th grade class president...
Kodiak01 t1_iseptjp wrote
Reply to comment by CalligrapherDizzy201 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
It is my normal schedule, and I work out of State. I am the first one in and the last one out on Tuesdays. This is why I cast absentee ballots.
The town clerk's office is open until 7PM on Thursdays. Instead of requesting a ballot by mail, I now show up in person and fill out my ballot on the spot after work that day.
Kodiak01 t1_iscclcu wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
The town hall is not a polling place. They literally wanted it just inside the door, in the main hallway. People sued because there wasn't 24/7 access.
Kodiak01 t1_isc5g63 wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
> you realize if someone wanted to tamper with things they damage the box somehow
Vernon tried putting their box inside the town hall so it could be protected and got sued for it...
Kodiak01 t1_isbs3f8 wrote
Reply to comment by Patton445 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
You can also just drop off your ballot at the clerk's office, or use the drop boxes if your town has one.
Kodiak01 t1_isbryh2 wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
Me, for one.
On Tuesdays I'm out the door at 5:15am. I don't leave work in MA until 7pm, sometimes later. All it takes is one traffic backup, one accident, one string of red lights, or even being held 5-10min late taking care of a customer and I can't make it to the polls.
The one time I had to vote in person, I sped the whole way and managed to walk in the door of the polling location at 7:58pm.
Kodiak01 t1_isbrmcq wrote
Reply to comment by Nyrfan2017 in Connecticut to decide on early voting in November referendum by jr_reddit
You realize that anyone who wants to vote early already can do so by simply stating they will be out of town during all voting hours, right?
Lived in CT since 2016. Voted in every election, 2020 general election was the only time I had to race to the polls at the end of the night from work because my absentee ballot never got sent.
This past primary election I went to the clerk's office 3 weeks before the election, got my ballot, filled it out on the spot and handed it right back to them.
In order to even get my ballot I had to show ID and get cross-checked against the active voter rolls. You don't just waltz in and grab a handful of ballots.
Kodiak01 t1_ir2tmbx wrote
Reply to How do y'all like T-Mobile's coverage? by arborgent
Have had T-Mobile for a decade now. The only dead spots I've ever had to deal with have gone away with the 5G rollout.
T-Mo's 5G network using a much lower frequency band than Verizon and AT&T allowing for much larger coverage areas from the same towers.
Kodiak01 t1_iqvfisd wrote
Reply to comment by PhilipLiptonSchrute in Connecticut's last SEARS closed in early 2021 - Manchester CT by ILovePublicLibraries
This is what Burlington did with the old Sears property. There is also a mall entrance with more interior stores.
Kodiak01 t1_iqt06r2 wrote
Reply to comment by Feralhousewife930 in Connecticut's last SEARS closed in early 2021 - Manchester CT by ILovePublicLibraries
Ingleside in Holyoke is still doing good as well.
Kodiak01 t1_iqs7n82 wrote
Reply to comment by BirdBearHareFishy in Connecticut's last SEARS closed in early 2021 - Manchester CT by ILovePublicLibraries
The rest of that mall is still pretty busy, though.
We recently were up at the Burlington Mall in MA. They took the Sears location and built an entire extension of the mall with a bunch of new stores, several restaurants and communal outdoor areas with everything from fire pits to cornhole to open turfed areas where they hold free exercise classes for the public. They really did a beautiful job, showed what can be done with the old spaces that isn't just a health club and urgent care center.
Kodiak01 t1_ist1kl3 wrote
Reply to comment by Kolzig33189 in 10-year-old boy attacked by black bear at grandparent's Connecticut home by IndicationOver
Well, there is one...
I have been given that nickname independently by 3 people in three different decades, none of which knew each other. Something having to do with my general temperament. On the other hand, when I run I look like a reject from the Special Olympics...