Submitted by Kolzig33189 t3_10pw07l in Connecticut
Kolzig33189 t1_j6l7bql wrote
Reply to What songs pay tribute, admiration and the lyrics are about genuine affection for a prostitute? by Bo-Jacks-Son
Iron Maiden - 22 acacia avenue
Kolzig33189 t1_j6g32zx wrote
Reply to Help!!! I'm Hooked on the "The Walking Dead" intro song... Ineed more similar ominous spooky songs in my life... by sever_rd
Idk if it’s a perfect fit (because it’s been years since I’ve watched TWD) but try the album “f# a# infinity” by Godspeed you black emperor. Probably would call it post rock but most of the album is very bleak and ominous.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6frep9 wrote
Reply to comment by An_odd_walrus in Pushing for investigation? Egg fire by btc-lostdrifter0001
lol there’s a “big (insert literally everything)” so why not have BIG EGG?
Although I suppose the correct term here would be “jumbo”
Kolzig33189 t1_j6e7pyc wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonutah in Are electric supply rates expected to drop again mid-year? Does a frugal homeowner need to check rates 2x/year to make sure they're getting the best deal? by sadswirlofme
I can understand the reasoning why certain states wouldn’t want a pipeline but what was the logic for not wanting lines down from Canada? Environmental/concerns about land clearing?
Kolzig33189 t1_j6du6eq wrote
Reply to comment by hamhead in Are electric supply rates expected to drop again mid-year? Does a frugal homeowner need to check rates 2x/year to make sure they're getting the best deal? by sadswirlofme
Perhaps I worded it poorly; when I said I wasn’t concerned with splitting those costs out, I meant in relation to this thread I wasn’t really going into that with my previous comments and was talking about cost to consumers as a whole/what’s the monthly bill. Not that generally speaking about the Eversource problem I’m not concerned. The approx $80 per bill increase they’re quoting isn’t sustainable for a whole lot of families in the state especially given ES ridiculous profits.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6dssd7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Are electric supply rates expected to drop again mid-year? Does a frugal homeowner need to check rates 2x/year to make sure they're getting the best deal? by sadswirlofme
That’s one part of the statement and I completely understand that point and agree we should lessen our reliance on gas for our electricity generation.
But when Tong uses the phrase “we pay too much for our electricity in CT as it is and these rate hikes are nothing short of punishing”, I interpret that as “eversource is charging too much for their product (and screwing us) and there’s nothing we can do to really stop them.” He says in a subsequent sentence that they really don’t have ability to challenge supply rates. Maybe you have a different interpretation, that’s fine, I’m not trying to say you need to see it one way or another, that’s just how I interpret that statement.
It’s not like eversource doesn’t have a history of bad business practices: https://portal.ct.gov/AG/Press-Releases/2022-Press-Releases/AG-Tong-Announces-Settlement-with-Eversource-Over-Natural-Gas-Marketing-Allegations.
So I guess the logical question would be is why can’t Eversource be more heavily regulated by PURA or similar especially when it comes to profits vs rate increases? When they make incredible profits and then say “well we need to double supply rate overnight” and there is no control in place, that’s scary. All our states reps say that PURA basically has their hands tied, reviews are administrative only and have ‘no teeth,’ etc.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6dgbo2 wrote
Reply to comment by hamhead in Are electric supply rates expected to drop again mid-year? Does a frugal homeowner need to check rates 2x/year to make sure they're getting the best deal? by sadswirlofme
I’m not really concerned with splitting between supply and deliver here, my original statement was cost to consumer. See below link. That is a massive increase that our own AG disagrees with them having any reason for doing.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6dbfar wrote
Reply to comment by eddie964 in Are electric supply rates expected to drop again mid-year? Does a frugal homeowner need to check rates 2x/year to make sure they're getting the best deal? by sadswirlofme
Would you prefer the term “alternate account”? It was clearly sarcasm regardless. And besides, absolutely none of that answers the question I asked about delivery costs tripling.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6d7vo0 wrote
Reply to comment by eddie964 in Are electric supply rates expected to drop again mid-year? Does a frugal homeowner need to check rates 2x/year to make sure they're getting the best deal? by sadswirlofme
Why am I not surprised to see a bunch of pro eversource/“eversource isn’t the bad guy” posts in your history?
Duff burner account perhaps??? Lol. Or just an eversource employee? Really don’t understand people defending this crooked company at this point, how they make record profits every year and then turn and say “yeah we need to increase rates again.”
I understand that supply prices are based on cost of natural gas to produce our electricity. And natural gas has plummeted in price since the summer. Also, that has exactly nothing to do with why eversource has tripled their cost to consumers in a short amount of time. Care to explain that one and why eversource isn’t to blame?
Kolzig33189 t1_j6cxwip wrote
Reply to Are electric supply rates expected to drop again mid-year? Does a frugal homeowner need to check rates 2x/year to make sure they're getting the best deal? by sadswirlofme
Even if price of oil/natural gas tanks, there is exactly a 0% chance eversource drops production or delivery rates. They will continue to increase endlessly because there is no oversight.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6a0o1h wrote
Ummm excuse you?
Kolzig33189 t1_j661m2o wrote
Reply to comment by shanerbaner16 in Is there a music term for… by Mitchelk
The Hemoglobin Trotters
Kolzig33189 t1_j63dt21 wrote
Reply to I-95 in CT ranks as most congested corridor in USA beating out LA; Merritt Parkway also makes top 10 by celticnutjob
LA and whatever the major highway that runs through Atlanta has perpetual never ending traffic probably 90% of the day. 95 sucks but nothing near as bad as those two.
Kolzig33189 t1_j61edxe wrote
Reply to comment by IndicationOver in CT lost thousands of people to other states last year, Census Bureau says by gewehr44
No, I think over the course of this year there will be a pretty significant lowering of prices. Maybe 10-15%. Certainly not in high demand places like the “ct panhandle” where rich New Yorkers flock to, but the seemingly never ending rising interest will begin to have an effect. It actually already has as evaluations are starting to go down in the high single digits in large areas of the state, but like my other comment said, there were a lot of people waiting on a dip and they are now pouncing so competition is still fairly high. But theres a lot less people who can afford a 350k house in the suburbs with 6% interest than a 2.5% interest and that will decrease competition among buyers this year.
Also, it’s winter right now so inventory is low. Historically, late fall and winter are the worst time to sell houses (often because middle of school year is bad time to uproot kids) and most people wait until late spring and summer to list.
Plus, if the doomers happen to be right and there is a recession this calendar year, housing prices will likely tank.
Kolzig33189 t1_j618cql wrote
Housing prices will come down once all the people who were waiting for a dip in prices and demand stop immediately buying houses over list price the same day they go on market…which ironically they were complaining about others doing for 3 years or so.
And it’s also winter - available homes are at their lowest point every year around this time.
Kolzig33189 t1_j5rcqao wrote
Reply to comment by FoundationBrave9434 in Do any of the Trader Joe’s in CT carry their store brand beer? by IntenseSun77
Aldi selling wine seems dangerous lol, each bottle would be like $3. All jokes aside, is that a thing in other states? Don’t recall seeing any of the maybe 4 locations I’ve been to in CT selling any type of alcohol other than white claw hard seltzer knockoffs.
Kolzig33189 t1_j5hw2ov wrote
Iron Maiden has 3 lead guitarists now….but albums pre Brave New World it’s 2 leads.
Kolzig33189 t1_j5bjw3a wrote
Reply to Bored in Hartford (Manchester). by [deleted]
Main Street in Manchester or just off has some good stuff all within about a one mile…good food/bars, breweries, some cool stores like Retro Junk and a bunch of other small businesses. Look at schedules for the restaurants or breweries, most have live music or other events on weekends.
Or if it’s more your thing, there’s a board game place that does big events and mixers fairly often…can’t recall the name of the place, perhaps someone can help me out.
Kolzig33189 t1_j55cghv wrote
Reply to comment by maxanderson350 in "Native Land Digital" is an indigenous-led, Canadian-based non-profit group seeking to raise awareness of where original Native American tribes owned property. They admit that this is a work in progress, not perfect, and seek corrections. Thought the CT map (with some NY) was quite interesting. by CTHistory42
I had the same thought - Mohegans and Pequot fought over land/territory constantly and land close to their respective “borders” changed hands frequently. I’m sure the same thing happened with other neighboring tribes in nearby states, just not as familiar with their history. So it’s helpful to know when they are basing this map.
On a side note - didn’t Algonquin tribes occupy a bunch of land in New England and NY? Don’t see them on here.
Kolzig33189 t1_j50g625 wrote
Reply to Job Hunting? by [deleted]
The easiest way (without a job specific degree like nursing) just like it probably was 15 years ago is to know someone or have that networking connection. Ask your friends who have jobs what they do, do they like it, are there openings or a referral program, etc.
Kolzig33189 t1_j4xfi2u wrote
Reply to comment by Wise_Rate_7975 in Eversource bill question by Wise_Rate_7975
It’s due to electric heat. Lower your temp and wear more clothing.
Kolzig33189 t1_j45zs3r wrote
Reply to Fun stuff for couples to do by traddy91
I greatly prefer winter hiking over summer provided it’s about 30 or so. No bugs, no humidity/dripping sweat, and you can see much farther with unblocked views.
CFPA website has over 800 miles of marked trails.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6mwmgb wrote
Reply to comment by Free-form_Suffering in What songs pay tribute, admiration and the lyrics are about genuine affection for a prostitute? by Bo-Jacks-Son
I completely forgot 22 AA was a trilogy - I believe the other part is “hooks in you.” And yes, same Charlotte.