Kolzig33189 t1_j9wgrcp wrote
Reply to Is a 78,000$ salary, before taxes, enough to live comfortably with my non-working wife in Storrs CT? by siditumart
It depends on many aspects of financial situation…what is mortgage payment, any student loans, car payment, other debt, etc. Would need a lot more details.
Kolzig33189 t1_j9tf4ow wrote
Reply to comment by coolducklingcool in looking for assistance by Serious_Service5137
I’m genuinely curious why teachers were exempted…was that a union decision or something that came from the legislature when the program was being put together?
If I were to think of an occupation that would most benefit from the program, teachers probably would be in top 3.
Kolzig33189 t1_j9oolm2 wrote
Reply to looking for assistance by Serious_Service5137
Why wouldn’t they qualify for the CT leave program? Instances like this is exactly what it’s for.
Also, does a typical teachers benefits generally include STD or is that something they opt in or out of everywhere like a lot of private sector jobs?
Kolzig33189 t1_j9li4kn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Undergraduate arrested after YPD finds firearm, illegal drugs in dorm - Yale Daily News by Ill_Swan6272
Next time don’t refer to yourself in the third person like a self righteous prick and I’ll know who you’re talking about. Also, ya know, don’t try to start rumors and assorted troll garbage based on race. It’s disgusting.
Kolzig33189 t1_j9lgb1e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Undergraduate arrested after YPD finds firearm, illegal drugs in dorm - Yale Daily News by Ill_Swan6272
Show your source that says they’re white then if we’re just trolls. Shouldn’t be difficult if it’s true.
Kolzig33189 t1_j9kvohr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Undergraduate arrested after YPD finds firearm, illegal drugs in dorm - Yale Daily News by Ill_Swan6272
While I agree the student should be named unless they are a minor (would be a real small percentage of college students), do you have a source for your claim that they are white? I didn’t see that stated in the linked article.
Kolzig33189 t1_j9b18gj wrote
Reply to comment by pittiedaddy in First-Time Homebuyers Have Something To Cheer About by IndicationOver
This is one of the biggest issues I see with younger adults who are trying to move from renting to owning/mortgage. I hear all the time “well I can afford an $1800 rent payment, so of course I can afford an $1800 mortgage payment.” Principal and interest is only one part of paying for a home.
While that might be true with some people doing very well financially, it’s not necessarily true for most because you have to factor in property taxes, home insurance (way more expensive than renters insurance), and any upkeep or repairs that could occur that you wouldn’t be responsible for as a renter. That $1800 mortgage principal and interest payment is more like 2500-2800 for the complete monthly payment after adding in tax and insurance in CT.
And even though I own a “newer” house (about 22 years old) it’s amazing how often things break or repairs/replacements are needed for expensive appliances. All of that needs to be factored in to the question of “can I afford the home” that many often overlook.
Yes, I want more people to be able to afford/buy a home. But I also want them to be in a financial position to smartly and responsibly do so so they’re put in a stressful or financially dangerous situation down the road.
Kolzig33189 t1_j92w0aw wrote
Reply to Their Ancestors Were Convicted of Witchcraft in Connecticut. They Want Justice. by Raisontolive
I’m confused as how people in charge of the state 400 years later are responsible in any way for apologizing for the actions of former state officials that aren’t related to them in any way except job function…or what difference that will make.
We all know the judicial sham of the witch trials in New England and those actions have been widely condemned and looked down upon for a long time. But people today aren’t responsible for actions people made hundreds of years ago. Random people apologizing isn’t justice.
Kolzig33189 t1_j8jnrd7 wrote
Reply to comment by ajamuso in Eversource, UI rate increases: CT legislators vow bipartisan reform by ctmirror
Profit that is distributed to shareholders should come last in the hierarchy of how things are paid for. Especially for fines for bad response, rule breaking etc, that should come from their profits.
Kolzig33189 t1_j8jkme8 wrote
Reply to comment by WellSeasonedUsername in Eversource, UI rate increases: CT legislators vow bipartisan reform by ctmirror
And ones that have spouses/immediate family members that work for eversource.
Kolzig33189 t1_j8j390y wrote
How about also shifting responsibility for eversource to pay for their own advertisements and fines by the state and not pass that directly on to the customer?
Kolzig33189 t1_j7ythlb wrote
Reply to Album closing tracks that are lyrically saying goodbye to the listener ("hope you enjoyed the show", etc) by xxzxcuzx__me
Dropkick murphys - until the next time
Kolzig33189 t1_j7kk1ps wrote
I can foresee him wanting roughing the passer called on at least 50% of dropbacks.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6sdq6b wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Good work out there? by [deleted]
Definitely keep applying there then, turnover is very high. Maybe go in person to turn in a physical app and speak with hiring manager (if you haven’t done so) because it could be something as simple as the algorithm Indeed uses auto discards your application for reason x.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6sd5ra wrote
Reply to comment by hankbizzo5 in Good work out there? by [deleted]
Far removed from areas I know well, so I’m not sure I can be of much help. I will say to check and see if there is an Aldi warehouse within your area. Have a few friends who work in one and the pay starts somewhere around $21, lots of turnover so they’re constantly hiring, and (at least based on what they say) if you can actually show up to work, not be a complete moron, and not yell at supervisors you can get promoted up to a shift supervisor in about a year. Probably could have a side landscaping hustle as well?
Good luck!
Kolzig33189 t1_j6sc17m wrote
Reply to Good work out there? by [deleted]
What field/type of work?
Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6oiyhz wrote
Reply to comment by _xXmyusernameXx_ in Manchester High School student charged for carrying gun on school grounds by Kolzig33189
I don’t even know if what I said is exactly what’s going on, but that’s just my guess. I had a friend in HS in mid 00s that had the same thing happen to him as you, so maybe the rules were changed.
You would think though that someone who committed a “serious assault” per the article two days before his incident probably shouldn’t be in school for at least a few days.
Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6o3qyf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Manchester High School student charged for carrying gun on school grounds by Kolzig33189
Yep republicans definitely love the fact that this 16 year old kid with a history of violently assaulting people had a stolen and loaded gun on school property that he couldn’t have owned legally regardless because he’s 5 years under the age to legally purchase a handgun. If youre going to be ridiculous enough to insinuate that all republicans love guns, than at least have a shred of intellectual integrity to include the “legally owned/law abiding” part.
There are just so many better ways you could spend your time than being this purposefully obtuse.
Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6o1nbn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Manchester High School student charged for carrying gun on school grounds by Kolzig33189
That the kid was caught before something really bad happened, and based on their prior history from literally 3 days ago, was likely to happen? Humans should love that. Not everything has to be a political grandstand.
Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6ni6u5 wrote
Reply to comment by Smith-WessonPat in Manchester High School student charged for carrying gun on school grounds by Kolzig33189
Thanks for pointing this out so eloquently, I needed a good laugh today. 😆
Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6n8963 wrote
Reply to comment by Soggy_Affect6063 in Manchester High School student charged for carrying gun on school grounds by Kolzig33189
The only thing I can think is that maybe because the assault mentioned in article took place off school property (not sure where others/if others took place), they basically wipe their hands clean of it even if school admin knows?
Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6n3c36 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Manchester High School student charged for carrying gun on school grounds by Kolzig33189
What the hell are you talking about?
Article clearly says the gun this kid had was stolen from state of GA during the summer.
I understand you have a narrative you push on here all the time but at least do the minimum and skim the article first.
Kolzig33189 t1_j6mybwz wrote
Kolzig33189 t1_j6mx6xl wrote
You might do well with instrumentals where the guitar (or other lead instrument) is essentially playing a vocal part. Try Eric Johnson’s “cliffs of Dover” and Iron Maiden’s “losfer words.”
Kolzig33189 t1_j9wnhug wrote
Reply to comment by siditumart in Is a 78,000$ salary, before taxes, enough to live comfortably with my non-working wife in Storrs CT? by siditumart
If you can find a rental at that price, the finances are doable but I think it might be difficult to find that (unless you already have it in place). Likely it might be a little tight with a monthly car payment if you choose to go that route until groceries and other staples prices retreat a little bit, but if you’re frugal anyway that’s great.