
KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_islg7fh wrote

It’s playing at Village East by Angelika for the next week and hopefully a bit longer since it’s doing so well. A lot of opportunities are riding on its success in NYC so hopefully we get to see more shows on the east coast soon


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_isl5c9u wrote

When Covid happened we kind of just took a step back from social media and let things play out. Our inbox was flooded with people concerned about our safety and it was just a lot to deal with. We’re happy to be back


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_isl4irr wrote

We got her when she was around 8 weeks old and started harness training her immediately but I’m still on the fence when it comes to if all cats can be leash trained or not. A big thing you’ll see in the film is all of us admitting this is just who our cats are. There’s one guy in the movie that adopted his cat later on and the cat took to the outdoors instantly. Starting young helps but the cats personality is definitely a huge factor


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_isl2y4k wrote

When we showed up to the premiere I didn’t know there was actually an early screening just letting out. I went to the restroom and people came in addressing me by name and asking about my personal life. It was the most bizarre feeling in the world. We’ve been recognized a few times while checking out stuff around the theater and I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to it, I’m caught off guard every single time


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_isl059u wrote

First off, I want to say thank you, I read all of the compliments Tora gets to her and it goes straight to her head. My favorite part of this whole experience has been meeting everyone involved in making it happen. I’m honestly shocked at the amount of genuinely amazing people surrounding this movie. The crew was awesome when filming, they really took time to get my cat comfortable with them, it quickly became like friends hanging out and just recording some videos. When I got to NYC and met the other cat dads I was once again blown away, everyone has been such a joy to be around and I say that as someone that doesn’t like being around people. I don’t get anything for promoting this movie but I want it to be successful as possible because I know the passion and love that went into making it


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_iskv1ax wrote

Sorry you missed it but you’re going to love it when you get to see it, I watched it Friday and was blown away.

When people coming to the film asked about streaming. the directors answer was “it will be streaming next year” I asked her off to the side hoping to get a behind the scenes answer but it seems that’s the best we have at the moment. I don’t know when or where it will be streaming but hopefully we have an answer soon. I really hope as many people see it in theaters as possible though, it was made for the big screen and it shows.


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_isksmbp wrote

The director, Mye Hoang, reached out to us on Instagram and asked if we would be interested. They had been filming a lot on the west coast and wanted to get some different locations, I was a truck driver so that went well with what they were looking for.

I tried to tell the cat what we were about to do but I don’t think she was listening. At first she seemed a little overwhelmed by all of the cameras and people being pushy to get pictures. Once we started doing our own thing and not really listening to the directions people were giving she warmed up to all of it and made friends out of the people waiting to see the film. They let us sit in and watch the movie and she seemed intrigued by such a new environment. She ended up falling asleep and snoring just a few minutes after it started playing.


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_iskqfzr wrote

We were only asked to be present at the NYC opening but I’ve enjoyed this so much we’re going to the Dallas opening too. After this we’re going to be traveling in an RV for a bit and just posting on Instagram from time to time like we were doing before


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_iskpt4b wrote

That’s probably the most accurate depiction of my life, even more accurate than this documentary, really.

I’ve gotten to meet most of the cast and nobody seems to notice when I drop references to the song in casual conversations which is a bummer


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_iskp59n wrote

I felt so many different ways ,honestly. At first I felt like I made the wrong decision. There was a lot of people giving me directions at the same time, look this way, get the cat to look that way, I’m just a regular guy with a cat that doesn’t know she’s in a movie, it got really crazy really quick. We took a break for a few minutes and just sat in a hallway watching people line up for the movie. After I realized I could just take it at my own pace it was really enjoyable, I’m glad we got to do it


KonnichiwaAmigos OP t1_isknssp wrote

The director, Mye Hoang, reached out to us on Instagram. She wanted to bring us on because because I was a truck driver and it allowed for some diversity in filming locations. I won’t lie, I thought it was a scam or something when I got the message.