LBITruckee t1_jdcabrp wrote
Reply to comment by Scumandvillany in SEPTA hopes new vertical gates will deter turnstile jumpers by APettyJ
I moved near fishtown with the plan to take the train into the CC for work.
The train is one of, if not the worst, experiences I have ever had in Philly since moving here ten years ago. It’s a shit hole…literally. The homeless and junkies have taken the system over. They should make it impossible to access the stations without paying. All the homeless should be removed. As you said, it’s not the responsibility of septa to take care of the homeless population. I’m all for paying more in taxes to help house and feed people. There is zero reason why myself or anyone should feel unsafe at 3pm on a Tuesday taking the train.
LBITruckee t1_jdc9tqy wrote
How about…. Get more transit police, get tap pay, clean the literal trash off the train, stop letting junkies shoot up on the train, stop letting people take actual shits on the train, stop letting people smoke on the train, stop delaying the trains….
If you’re so concerned about people not paying then actually get people to stop them in conjunction with better turnstiles.
LBITruckee t1_j8obrp4 wrote
Cause this city has become seriously gross. Trash in the streets, garbage everywhere…hoping it change but 100% regret buying here.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivwdm2u wrote
Reply to comment by _whatthehell_iswater in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
LBITruckee OP t1_ivvcr6d wrote
Reply to comment by Ng3me in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
Should see it now. So many dogs. Running around and happy. It’s glorious!
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv8vh3 wrote
Reply to comment by goobdaddi in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
Yes, I agree completely. It wouldn’t be so bad if people just cleaned up properly after their dogs and threw it out in the trash
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv7q8t wrote
Reply to comment by Ng3me in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
Obviously you have never been near this park….but yes, get upset over something you know nothing about. You’re adorable.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv6dlm wrote
Reply to comment by Ng3me in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
Some dog owners suck
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv67kq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
Hard to disagree sometimes
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv61jv wrote
Reply to comment by Ng3me in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
He is better than most kids in this city.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivv3vpf wrote
Reply to comment by Ng3me in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe ChIlDrEn?!?
LBITruckee OP t1_ivuq2cf wrote
Reply to comment by GreatWhiteRapper in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
I thought it was funny, but it was also true.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivuls0c wrote
Reply to comment by GreatWhiteRapper in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
Agree. The one about dogs not being allowed in coffee shops etc…
But this isn’t the dogs fault…this is their shit owner.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivulgak wrote
Reply to comment by tacjos in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
There are about 6-7 bags there each time I go. Why even take the time to pick it up at that point?
Edit: why would this get downvoted. Lol
Guess people don’t like being called out.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivukh2a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
Not sure is go that far…this city has a lot worse
LBITruckee OP t1_ivujg2h wrote
Reply to comment by Proper-Code7794 in People who don’t clean up after their dog (Hancock Park) by LBITruckee
In defense of the green bags, they actually biodegrade fairly quickly. The ziplock…not so much.
LBITruckee OP t1_ivuj0c6 wrote
This park is suppose to be no dogs. However, I totally get why it’s a great place to bring them and I bring my own from time to time. There is literally a trash can as you leave the park. Just throw your dog’s sh*t away. This is trashy and why we can’t have nice things.
LBITruckee t1_jdcaevo wrote
Reply to comment by Thot_P0cket in SEPTA hopes new vertical gates will deter turnstile jumpers by APettyJ
They need to go back to allowing cars to being towed before being ticketed.